Just need a few people

Hi there, I am looking for a few motivational people to help me out. I have little to no will power and HATE to exercise. I am a serious couch potato. Like minded would be great.......I have fibromyalgia, work full time and have a husband who is overweight too but is not ready to start getting healthy.


  • Veggie_mama
    Veggie_mama Posts: 77 Member
    I am been where you are and are working my way back to being healthy. I'd love to be a motivational pal!
  • ShelleyTurgeon
    ShelleyTurgeon Posts: 95 Member
    I have a great group of people who are very motivational, I would love to be a friend for you too! I like to post happy up-lifiting things on my wall for all to see. If you would like, add me as a friend :)
  • aprice92066
    aprice92066 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello sugarbabiesma!!! Congratulations on taking the 1st step for the rest of your life. I have been a member of mfp for a long time. I have lost 156 lbs, less than 2 years...have regained about 30 so here I am again to get my rear end back on track and be the best me I can. I am 47, I have 3 grown children and I am a grandma...I really hope you find the support here you are looking for and if you need anything, let me know! I will do my best to be there for the shout out!!!
    Good luck!!!
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and Welcome! We sounds just a like! I hate exercise with a passion and could sit all day and be happy! lol My husband is also overweight! Good luck you got this!