

  • Anyone that replied and of course the original poster, feel free to add me. I am really struggling right now and my BDD is really making my life miserable!
  • I am 24 and also a mother of 2. I feel the same way, I feel like as an adult I should be over this ****, more focused on life and family instead of calories and weight, but I just can't stop obsessing! I too have no one to talk to about this, and thrilled to find someone who is struggling like me. Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm Roxanne and have struggled with disordered eating for much of my life (I am now 23). Recently though ana has taken over my thoughts and mia is never far behind her. I do not meet the BMI criteria for Anorexia and My binge purge cycles don't technically "qualify" me as bulimic so I have "earned" the diagnosis of EDNOS