

  • I am currently 23 weeks pregnant. About 4 months ago I notices that my right underarm was quite sore. It the progressed to a lump that was easily seen when I lifted my arm above my head. I hesitated for a bit before going to the doctors and the doctor also found lumps in my breast (which I had not found when I examined my…
  • Hi Everyone, I am due 24th June (23 weeks) with my first its a surprise and have started using My fitness pal again today as I have been so hungry and not watching what I have been eating that I have put on more weight than I should have whoops so today is a new day and now to keep on track :) How is everyone doing…
  • I'm def keen looks like fun :)
  • Hi Sam, Yes I signed up about a week and a half ago and this will be my first round. I have been doing the pre seasons tasks and just from watching what I eat using my fitness pal I have lost 1kg so I am excited about it starting but haven't been much of an exerciser but have been trying hard lately :smile: