Olahou Member


  • Girl I can totally relate! Iʻve been overweight most of my life. Iʻm bigger than my husband and I hate looking at pictures of us together because I look so much bigger than he does. I worry that people look at us and wonder what the heck heʻs doing with someone that looks like me. My weight makes me look a lot older than I…
  • I hear that! Bread and crackers are my favorite...and then I wanna add cheese. Ugh! Moderation!
  • Last night was the first concert that I went to since my decision to be more healthy. My husband and I have been doing the fruits, veggies, beans, and nuts diet for two weeks and started a master cleanse today. Long story short, last night was the first sober concert I attended since high school. Lol. All my friends were…
  • My husband and I have been talking about having our first baby and I'm so afraid that if I don't start making healthy changes, I'll be one of those pregnant girls that you can't even tell she's pregnant cause she's so fat. :(
  • -I am overly self conscious about the way I look all the time. -People always think I'm older than I really am. -It takes me longer than the rest of my friends to complete physical activities. -I can't fit into outfits that I really like and have to settle for what I can fit into. -The comments that my mom makes! -Feeling…
  • Sir-Mix-a-Lot I like big butts...hahahahahaha
  • Sounds like the right way to handle things. Iʻm just taking it one day at a time. I think completely cutting things out is the reason lots of people fall off track. Like you said, its all about moderation. Itʻs ok to have a slice...just try not to eat the whole pie :) Thats what I keep telling myself anyways. Great to meet…
  • Hawaiʻi :)
  • Hey, I know this is months later, but I was wondering how you did. I just finished day 1 and it wasnʻt easy. Anyways...Happy New Year
  • I know exactly how you feel. But I think that this place can be a great source of support for you...and me. Itʻs nice to know that youʻre not the only one struggling. Add me if you want. 2013 is our year. We can do it together! :)
  • Itʻs like you read my mind!
  • I have the DVDʻs and theyʻre really fun. If youʻre like me, you wanted to see what the hype was all about without making a fool of yourself in front of a group of people. My friends from the office go to zumba together and are constantly trying to get me to go. But Iʻm happy to do it in the privacy of my own home..where no…
  • Iʻm in. This is the year to do it!