

  • Hi! Welcome! I just started too, but one thing that has helped is feeling accountable. For example, get yourself a ticker so you can visibly see your progress. Meet people who are in your same situation, and make sure that they keep track of you. I find that when I want to eat something bad, I go here and read people's…
  • Thanks for all the encouragement. I would be tricking myself into believing that once I lose the weight I want, I will suddenly never have a problem again! Ha! Your story in a great encouragement to me, especially since we are about the same height, (I'm 5' 9") so when you say 200 pounds, I know what that looks like on ME,…
  • I just joined recently, and I gained a lot of weight too, so I understand! Tracking your weight and getting the support of other people can really help! Keeping posting and if you have a bad day, remember that in a week, you won't even remember it, so don't sweat the small stuff!
  • Thanks so much for the encouragement! It is exciting to see people who have already completed their weight loss goals. And thank you for your insight into the "therapy" part of weight loss. Certainly, growing up with a mother who was a model was hard on me, and, surprise, surprise- both my sister and I have weight…