

  • I have been working out and loosing weight for two years. I have lost close to 80lbs now. When I first started loosing weight my bra size was a 42F and it stayed that size for a long time. It has only been in the last six months that I have been loosing weight in my bra. I am now a 38DDD. As a matter of fact it wasn't…
  • I am not very good at eating breakfast and who has time, I have one on my way out the door every morning. The first 16lbs I lost (before mfp) was by doing the shake for breakfast and shake for lunch. Now I jsut do breakfast. I also read a study in a magazine that said that people who use weight lose shakes, lean cuisines…
  • Welcome, I am sure you will do great, this is an amazing tool!
  • I am set at 1.5 pounds a week and even with eating most of my workout calories I have lost almost 3lbs a week for the last two weeks. If I think I am going to go over my calories I will go do an extra workout to counter act the food.
  • I always weigh at least 5lbs more but it is not actual weight, it is from bloating and retaining water. If you get something like midol it has a dieretic in it that helps you not retain so much!
  • Keep some low-calorie granola bars that you think are especially yummy, I really like the Fiber one or the Fiber plus bars. I eat them very slowly and enjoy every chocolatey bite, I feel like I am being really bad but...it is actually the opposite and I get my sweet fix for the day. It works for me, try it!!!
  • Do NOT...I repeat Do NOT worry about the weight lose, if you see a difference in your clothes than you are suceeding. It is never to late to start taking your measurements if that is where you are seeing the difference. I was walking 6 miles a day (appx 1.45 hours) five to six times a week for around three months. I didn't…
  • I had the same concerns, so I asked my kickboxing instructor who is a fitness fanatic, and she says that "if you are working out and trying to build muscle then you need more protein because protein is what builds your muscles." So now, I am not even going to pay attention to the protein. Hope this helps.