That's Tania, who's also in Insanity. Except, in Insanity she's the 'advanced' lady and everyone get's annoyed with her. I'm so pleased that now she's the modifier in T25 I can finally keep up with her! Sometimes, I can beat her and I'm like "HA! Take that Tania!!!" Oh, and I'm in week 1, enjoying it very much. I expect…
I'll be happy when I weigh less than him!
I totally get what you're saying - I was the same. Re-the scale not moving, like other people said - when you up your exercise your body hoards water to help heal the muscles (not very scientific but it's kinda what's happening). I've taken up a new exercise routine, and I've been stuck at 149 lbs for a week but lost an…
I'm 5'4" (or 5'5" depending on who measures me - I've got no idea any more!) and 118 lbs is my aim. It's not too much to lose, though it will place you on the lower end of the weight spectrum - that kinda thing always freaks people out!
"Portly lab mice"....
Joined!!! Going down very slowly! I'm going to try for a no-weigh April. We'll see how long that lasts!!
For breakfast?!
Now I need to go look through the database to see what revolting items people have listed... (I just typed in hair, but alas it was all Angel Hair pasta and Hair and nail supplements.) (Similarly, 'Dog Food' just brings up hot dogs and corn dogs...) OH! 'Brains' brings up *Brains - Brains (1.0 servings of 1/2 cup broiled…
I'm a bit of a whole-food snob nowadays (can't help it, comes with cutting a lot of processed food from my diet!) and I always wonder at how often I type in a food - carrot, beet, onion - into the database and so often the first 10/20 or so listings are for processed foods with the particular item added. OK, maybe not all…
Back on Pointe has a lot of good exercise plans that are either beginner, low impact/jump free: Those are ones I can remember at the…
With regards to Beachbody, I've only done Insanity: -45-60 minutes a day over the course of 9 weeks -No equipment is needed, save for good workout shoes and a good sports bra (as there is a lot of jumping about). A heart rate monitor is also highly recommended to make sure you're both working at a hard-enough intensity,…
70 lbs total loss is my goal! I'm 40 lbs down (ignore my ticker, that was from my lowest - I put on about 20 lbs back over xmas, and I refuse to update the ticker for gaining! It registers only losses!). Anyone feel free to friend me!
I hope to get back to my workouts being a joy or escape. At the moment, I'm a little too out of shape and it's a little too uncomfortable to be a joy. Or, I need to start embracing the uncomfortable-ness because it will always be uncomfortable. But that's a great video!
Yeah - I wouldn't be surprised! And ditto, the diet sounds good to me too!! I'm a vaguely paleo, and I've found it was more the 'whole foods' aspect that did me good, above the 'no grains and legumes' stuff. I'd say, or I would like to see more of a focus on how food reacts to each individual person. More so than the "We…
I'm not sure how it's backpedaling when it's "...we're fast learning". As long as they're not blatantly ignoring new evidence, it's all good as far as I'm concerned. Also, it seems the preparation still has a lot to do with it's effects (this cooked and cooled thing). This means I will go eat a big potato salad to…
With a little cream.
Ah! Yes, obvious now!!
I always wondered this - like, I really don't want to be drinking protein drinks forever. If I can't get it by comfortably eating it, then tough my little muscles, tough. I average about 90g of protein a day. I have about 2 eggs a day for either breakfast or lunch, I have some kind of meat for lunch (tuna, chicken etc...),…
*kitten*? *kitten* hat? Arsenic? Seriously, what is the A word?!
^^^ Yeah, this - what I was trying but failed to say!
I have no idea!!! By those pictures, I feel like I'm 45%. My scales tell me I'm 29%. I've done an online test with measurements that said I was 34%. Who knows... I'd love to get a proper test done, just to know! I have calipers...never actually used them. I may test tonight, then draw up an average from all my sources.
I've lost most of my weight eating 'vaguely paleo' - meaning some days are stricter than others, depending on my mood. I sometimes eat oats, or pasta, or bread or whatever. Depends. I found the 'Well Fed' book to be great, and the most easiest, simplistic Paleo-based cooking book out there. Mark Sisson's 'Primal' book is…
I agree with others who say, make sure you're OK medically. I.e. you're on the right meds etc... For me, I found focusing on action more beneficial than the results. Meaning, I have a calendar on my wall. And for every day I exercise, eat well and don't smoke I get a sticker (one for each of those goals). My end goal is to…
Personally, I went cold turkey for a good 6 or so months, and ate whole foods. (Yes, sugar is in fruit and carbs convert into sugar. That's not really the point). So, I completely cut out processed foods. That completely re-set my taste buds. Then, I started to introduce various things back into my diet and I started to…
Who knows. How much soda did you used to drink? How much diet soda do you drink now? What's the rest of your diet like?! When I first started losing weight, I cut out soda completely - I used to drink it like water - and I lost a lot of weight. But, then I also cut out most processed foods, most junk foods, all sweets…
I'm quite sure that cooking some vegetables releases more...nutrients. Yeah, I have no science to back that up, I saw it on a documentary where they tested some veg raw and then cooked it and then tested it again. They did it with carrots in the documentary - so cooked carrots had more nutrients (or, the stored nutrients…
I'd like to join! Is there a group or do we post here? I'm looking to lose about 32 lbs (to bring my total loss to 71 lbs). I'd gotten down to 132 lbs then lost the motivation and put 20 back on again :-( So, I'm looking to lose that, plus the rest, to get me to 118 lbs. (I refuse to update my ticker with the weight gain -…
I'm so doing this. I've put on about 20lbs from my lowest weight, so all the smaller clothes I was fitting into are too small (and all the goal clothes are even further away now). But, 'fortunately' I kept some size-above jeans. So now I have jeans that fit me. But, it just meant the 20lbs crept back on. As soon as I'm out…
Oooh - gonna chime in with a good-old thigh gap debate! It is hip related, or wide-set hips and also splayed hips. Also being a tad bow-legged too. The circumference of your thighs also affects your thigh-gapped ness, but only in conjunction with everything else (meaning, if you don't have wide-set hips, then you'd have to…
I personally don't believe in 'crap genes'. Everyone makes the best of what they have been given, and they are always given something fantastic. It's just normally, most people don't want that, they want something else. I have a pear shape, so I've lost most of the weight in places I don't care about (shoulders, chest…