Alexis256 Member


  • Is it at the toe joint? It may be bunions. You could see a doctor to get orthotics. I have bunions and will have searing pain at all different times...sometimes while running, sometimes just while lying in bed.
  • Interesting...I think my hunger is in large part a learned behavior. When I was at the weight I'm trying to get back to from a few years ago, I'd eat half a sandwich or a slice of pizza and be totally satisfied. I've now gotten to the point of eating 2 sandwiches and still wanting more and having no control.
  • Can I ask why you upped your calories? And why that was successful? I'm hungry at all times too, therefore I appreciate your guidance :)
  • I just checked my activity level and lowered it since I'm on vacation now--thanks for that suggestion. I weight 127 and my (new) allotment is 1200. Also, @RuthieCass, I don't have a scale but I've been measuring using measuring cups etc... and keeping track of every single thing, but you also might be right. Thanks for all…
  • I'm not trying to specifically to be below my calorie goal. I'm just wondering why I'm not losing weight when I'm not routinely going over my level. (FYI I'm referring to my level adjusted for calories burned, not my original level)