angelicarebels Member


  • Wow I'm excited for you thats so awesome!!! , I think I may get this ;))
  • Ugh I've been slacking ;(( This is like day 2 for me but I'm mixing this with Jillians blasting fat and no more trouble zones.....Oddly enough this 30 day shred leaves me so much more sore than those ?? I also have been including core rhythms I thought it would be a good idea to give different groups of muscles a rest, BUT…
  • Okay I completed day 1 and this 35min workout on level 1 has my thigh muscles and arm muscles hurting more than 40 or more mins with Billy Blanks ??? I will do day 2 tomorrow my legs :>)) How long is everyone doing each level? Are we suppose to do each level alternating from 1,2, and 3 for the month??
  • OOO I have it still in the wrapper- I did core rhythms today about 40 mins :)) But will do the 30 Day shred tomorrow before work...Phew Jillian makes my body ache ;.))
  • Hola y bienvenidos Chica!! Progress is sometimes a slow process sometimes and others its much easily ran like a well oiled machine... Success in strides I suppose. ;) )
  • I actually got all my water in but the last four cups was in one sitting :>( now its 2am & i am still running to the wash closet ...:>( ugh but i did it lol
  • I wanna join...Its hard for me to drink all my water:>( I hate running to the BANO so much...Are we drinking 8 eight ounces a day or is the challenge half our body weight?? :>D
  • I love core rhythms...I like to shake my booty and the workouts make you sweat and are fun!! I also do Billy Blanks and he makes me want to cry but I feel the burn:>D...Also when I need to switch up a little and try different styles I go to this website and you can do full workouts and samples to try and work different…