

  • To quote Mark Rippetoe: "The human body functions as a complete system - it works that way, and it likes to be trained that way. It doesn't like to be separated into its constituent components and then have those components exercised separately, since the strength obtained from training will not be utilized in this way.…
  • The two types of exercise impede each other. To get the most out of either, it is simply best to do them in separate sessions, not concurrently or one right after the other.…
  • A couple of things: 1. I try not to suggest split muscle group routines for people who are starting out. 2. Sit-ups are a very poor exercise. They are bad for your back and target the hip flexors, not the abs. When you're doing them, you anchor your feet down and pull with your back, activating your psoas attachment and…
  • As others have said, it depends on your goals. For overall strength, powerlifters do full body compound workouts with barbells. Body builders who focus on appearance tend to work on individual muscle groups separately.
  • Hello, I just started the keto diet last friday. I've been on a dirty bulk for about a year now while powerlifting, so I felt it was finally time to cut. Curious to see when the keto flu will hit me. :ohwell: