

  • You've already accomplished a lot. Now you just have to keep going. If you don't, those calories will probably creep back up on you, and all your efforts will have been for nothing! That is what happened to me. I started on my weight loss journey 3 years ago, and after one month of dedication, the scale didn't budge. Then…
  • Thanks for your reply, Albertine! I hope you don't mind me "sharing" your post, Jamie, but I figure we're all in the same boat anyway... :) I have been measuring using both a kitchen scale and measuring cups, but also eyeballing it. However, when it comes to eyeballing, I am discovering that, if anything, I am…
  • Hi ladies!! I just read all the comments, and I admit I am just as confused as before, but since many of you seem to have started out at similar weight as me, you may have some wisdom to share with me. I started my journey on Aug 19 this year. I'm 5'8", 237 lbs at start. Figuring I have a lot to lose, I input a 2lb/ week…
  • I would have to agree with this comment. It is a very individual journey, we all come from different walks of life, and each of us is dealing with different issues in life, but the one thing that we do have in common is the desire to lose weight and become more healthy. i am relatively new to the website, but I believe as…
  • Also had bursitis in my shoulder, and it's never been the same. Mobility is more limited than before, and it will let me know if I overdo arm exercises. Never thought of taking ibuprofen before work-outs. Great tip, I'll have to try!
  • Hi! Welcome to MFP, and welcome to the club! I'm the mother of three, and my husband is working overseas in Europe. It's very hard to set time aside for exercise, esp. when you should be doing it every day, but at first I think just getting any exercise in is better than nothing. As you do more, you will get more energized…
  • i do Zumba, too, and our instructor said you can burn anything between 500 and 800 calories in an hour. Since I sometimes stop in between to catch my breath (it's getting better!), I calculate around 650 calories/hr now. I logged it under aerobics first, and now I found something with dance (sorry, I can't recall what it…
  • OK, sorry to ask, but what happened? It doesn't do anything to me at all. And I really enjoy the nutty flavor. But maybe I'm OK because I actually chew the little buggers, so I guess I kind of do the grinding with my teeth?
  • I have some organic flax seed and I just sprinkle a spoonful on top of my morning oatmeal along with some blueberries, but I have been told that they should be ground, otherwise they can harm your insides? Does anyone know if this is true? Cause I just sprinkle them on whole. But I guess of you can't get over the way it…