

  • I'm slowly starting to clean up my diet and have found the same thing. I use an all organic home delivery company for my food shopping and other than milk and yogurt there are no fat free / reduced fat foods. I assume this is because this would mean processing them, as you say, so I've come to the conclusion that it's…
  • I'm getting married on the 26th of October :) I'm currently in the middle of the planning frenzy! Where is everyone up to with their organisation? I'm constantly worrying that I am behind as it feels like there is so much left to do! Feel free to add me, I could use some friends to help keep me on track for the big day!
  • Hi! I'm 32, have about 10-15 pounds to lose and I'm getting married in October. Feel free to add me, I'm new (well I have recently returned to the site) and could do with the motivation!
  • I'm getting married on the 26th of October this year. We've booked our honeymoon already.....we're flying into LA to visit Disney and Universal then driving a convertible Ford Mustang down the coast then on to Vegas via Palm Springs, Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon. We're from the UK and this is our first real holiday…