

  • I am 5'6 and started at 225 and am now 175. Your weight loss reminded me of mine, but I have to say, you look SO GOOD! I don't think I look that great, but wow! You look smaller than 172! Keep up the awesome work!
  • I am a woman, started at 225, and lost 15 lbs my first month. Typically, you have big results the first month and men generally lose weight quicker than females. I didn't join MFP until 3 months after I started my weight loss journey. Good luck! And don't get bogged down by the scale, take a before shot and then a 1 month…
  • I eat an apple with 1 or 2 tbs of peanut butter every day. It is really quite filling! Watch your fat content on the peanut butter though.
  • It's hard. I have 3. With my first, I never got there. Got within 6 pounds before I got pregnant again when she was 18 months old. But I didn't try that hard either. My second was faster, got to within 5 pounds when she was 9 months old and I found out I was pregnant again. The third has been SO hard. But, with eating…
  • took 15 years off too! Congrats on your success!
  • My 4 year old daughter is obsessed with Pillow Pets. And so are her friends.
  • Not accurate at all! It says I should be losing 2-3lbs per week based on it's estimate, and I am only at 1 lb per week. It's kinda annoying actually.
  • You are truly an inspiration! You look a lot less than 188.4 too! Amazing, amazing, amazing. Congratulations on all your hard work and success!
  • Had to post because you and I are so alike! I have an almost one year old too (1 year on 10/27) and I started at the beginning of summer a little higher than you, 225 and finally saw under 200 myself! 198.6. And I am in 14's again too! I love that feeling! Size 12 is my pre-pregnancy, but I am not stopping there! Good luck…