

  • I feel more in control if I eat regular small meals. I can't depend on hunger signals. For example I never feel hungry first thing in the day but, based on the research, I always eat first thing. Also if I get really hungry, my control goes out the window.
  • Margaret, He is Dr. Mark Hyman and big on "functional medicine"; he treats your whole life, not just symptoms. Bottom line, if you get your life right, symptoms will clear up of their own accord. Fascinating stufff that makes sense to me. I saw that he was doing a weekend seminar at Kripalu (Yoga retreat in Lexington, Mass…
  • I would like the challenge of committing to tracking. It's the only way I can keep on track.
  • I have just started setting the alarms on my watch for every hour in the work day (if I'm at home) and take a ten minute break in which I go down to the basement (2 flights) and get on the treadmill for 5 minutes...I think it will work. Plus I am applying for a new job that will keep me on my feet...need the exercise!
  • I think this is really, really hard but doable; never ever give up. Just "lose the weight". Of course talk to your doctor about thyroid meds...
  • Just joined. 5'3". I aim to lose 30 lbs. How does one add friends? Desi Arlington, Va