

  • I'm not sure if I understand this topic very well. I am 5'7" and my calories recommended are 1200 calories per day. Is this not right? I find myself going over, ALOT, but I just though that was b/c I have very bad and addictive eating habits (like eating ice cream 24/7, and eating chocolate at midnight)....anyway, hope you…
  • I can relate to you girl, I am only 29 and rheumatoid arthritis runs in my family, it is already apparently showing in my knees, hips, shoulders, etc. I hope he answers, I will be anticipating this post! I used to be so athletic, cheerleading, dance, gymnastics, etc., and I've now had 4 kids, so going from being athletic…
  • Wow! Isn't it amazing all of the support that you have here on MFP!!!! Just lets me know that I am in the right place seeing success stories like yours...and not just that, but being able to see real-life photos, of actual people (not models) losing their weight and reaching their goals! I do want to add that you are very…
  • Hi Sarah, my name is Brittany. I've used MFP before, and it really works in conjunction with diet b/c you can actually see your progress! But lately, I've been slacking off. I can completely relate to you. I gained a total of 50 pounds after starting a new medicine for my migraine headaches/quitting smoking/and taking a…