cdwinters Member


  • It just doesn't seem like there is a large variety of strength/resistance activities listed under the exercise portion of MFP. I know the things my personal trainer had me doing last Saturday I couldn't locate so I was just wondering if people use a separate app, paper/pencil or what to keep track of what you are doing…
  • Hello - my name is Crystal and I am trying to lose quite a bit of weight. I purchased a Fitbit for myself about a month ago and have it set for a daily goal of 10,000 steps. So would my steps each day count for this or is this meant to be in one session?
  • Sounds like you are a very busy do you find the time to get to the gym for 2.5 hours or more a day?
  • albrooks-I had the same problem and my trainer said it was that my shoes were not made for walking/running. She said it is difficult because you need different support to run than to walk. Not sure but got new shoes and haven't had the problem since.
  • Don't beat yourself up for it. Today is a new day so start fresh and move forward:)
  • Thank you all so much for the advice. I am such a comfort eater and today is the first day back from spring break and I really don't want to be here. I know that I use food for everything; when I am happy I eat, when I am sad I eat, when I am stressed I eat....are you seeing a pattern here. I normally don't carry cash with…
  • Kamkat...I am so sorry for your loss. Just take it one day at a time and do what you can. Don't be too hard on yourself if the diet isn't going have a lot on your plate. You and your family will be in my thoughts this week.
  • Checking in for this week. Last week 270 This week 268 I think my body is starting to get used to the fewer calories although I definately still have days where I feel like I could eat everything in sight...but I don't. Things are really crazy at work right now with the beginning of the school year so I am not making it to…
  • I am having a rough week since my doctor's appointment. I have been following his prescribed diet of no more than 1400 calories a day...primarily protein. I am feeling pretty deprived at this point. Not to mention the fact that I ended up sick with a cold this weekend and all I want to do is eat some comfort foods to make…
  • Ok. So I had my doctor's appointment today. Needless to say it is 7:41 in the evening and I haven't stopped crying since the appointment at 2:00:( He took some blook in order to see if there is any medical reason why I am not losing....won't have those results for a couple of days. In the meantime he wants me to cut my…
  • Ok. Checking in for this week. Has been a rough couple of weeks and it is that TOM:( I am up a pound from where I was but I am keeping at it. I have an appointment with my doctor today to talk about this and my lack of progress (only 5 pounds in 2 1/2 months:( ). Don't know what he is going to say so it should be…
  • aerdrea - Thanks for your support! I know that I have a very stressful job. I work in an elementary building but I am a school psychologist. And lets just say that things did not end well in the building last year so I have a lot of apprehension about coming back to work this year:( I know that I am a stress eater. I have…
  • Ok, so I am not even half way through my first week back to work and I am a wreck. I work in an elementary school and for whatever reason I can do really well over the summer break with eating healthy, not drinking soda, and not binging on chocolate. But as soon as I step foot into this building everything goes out the…
  • Ok so this week has been my first week back at work. I have done well with my lunches but have had a difficult time some days getting to the gym. By the time I am done at work I am just done and don't have the energy to go to the gym. So....I bought the Wii My Fitness Coach and a HRM today that I am going to start using in…
  • SW 280 LW 276 CW 274 Don't officially weigh in until Wednesday (my trainer day) but this is what the scale showed this morning. And I have lost 2 lbs of body fat:)
  • Kamcat - I tried the 30 day shred one day last week and didn't make it through the whole thing:( I thought that with all the cadrio I have been doing and everything I would be in better shape than I apparently am:( It kicked my butt and I think I made it through 10 mins...max. I had a hard time with all the jumping and…
  • My trainer told me that heat is not a factor. She said that the amount you sweat has no bearing on how hard you are working out or how many calories you have burned. Sweating is just your body's way of keeping itself cool:(
  • So I have been having a really rough day today and went over on my calories. I also didn't make it to the gym. I was just having one of those days today and could not seem to get out of it:( But I will get up tomorrow and get to the gym and work off extra calories to make up for today. I am not going to give up...nobody…
  • I have my activity level set at the lowest level right now (sedentary) as I am off work for the summer and wanted to make sure I was not overestimating my daily activities. My trainer says that I should keep at it that I have gained muscle which weighs more. If it continues to go up or see no drop in numbers then she wants…
  • Good morning ladies. I am very frustrated today:( I have been working really hard at the gym and yesterday I woke up and the scale was up a pound. Today...up another pound:( I met with my trainer yesterday and even though my numbers are going up it shows that I have lost 1.5 pounds of fat since I started in June:) But…
  • I just read an article that said you should drink 2-3 cups of green tea each day to help with weight loss.
    in Green tea Comment by cdwinters July 2009
  • Is it too late to join? I have a Wii fit and was using it daily for my workouts but since I have had the summer off I have been going to the gym with the kids. I go back to work next week and will be moving back to using the Wii for most, if not all of my workout as it is tough most days to get to the gym with the kids.…
  • My trainer has me set up to where I do a 10 min warm up and then do weights everyday (alternating between upper and lower) and then do my cardio (45 mins). She says that by putting the weights in there it actually increases the amount of fat that is burned by my 45 mins of cardio. She also says that women do not bulk up…
  • Grats Kamcat:) That is awesome. Welcome ck2d...this is a great group!
  • I love the elliptical. Haven't been doing it for very long but what I do on it to build up my stamina is I listen to an interval running podcast and instead of running when it says to run I just go faster on the elliptical. I stated only being able to do it for 2 mins...I am up to 20 mins now:)
  • Should you do the wraps throughout the process of losing weight or just at the end to help tighten up the skin?
  • It must be the day or something because all I want is junk food right now. I have tried to fill myself up with water and good food but it is just not doing it:( I find that even if I am unmotivated if I can at least make it to the gym then I have won the battle because it is good from there. I am very concerned about lack…
  • Hi all...just checking in to say hi:) Kamcat...glad you are feeling better and over that bug. Hope everybody has had a good week and is ready to do some relaxing this weekend. I am getting nervous as I go back to work in a week and am concerned about my dieting and exercising once I go back. I have been off for the summer…
  • My gym does group training where you pay $8 per hour and train with a group of people...the group allows for the lower cost. Might be worth checking at your gym to see if they offer this. I love the picture of the dog as well. Is that a Boston Terrier?
  • Ok, so I know this is going to sound silly but I am very proud of myself after my workout yesterday. When I first started working out a month ago, my trainer put me on the elliptical and it killed me when she made me do 2 mins on it. Yesterday, I did 10 mins on it. I also jogged for 1 min...I haven't jogged in who knows…