

  • Hey there, I'm very new to all this too so feel free to lean on me for support or look at some of the basic things I am trying from an exercise standpoint. It's really back to basics again for me, looking forward to it and I love the fact everyone seems to be on the same page here. Cheers Hubub
  • Hi Nicola I've opened up my profile, force of habit, I hate things like facebook etc, I'm actually surprised I'm connecting with folk through here but I am serious about it, I have stepped onto a path I intend to continue to walk. Thanks Hubub
  • "It's goodbye to the shortcuts, hello to the grind, nobody said it would be an easy ride, suffer for your art" - Relentless Energy Drinks I used to drink about 6 cans a day when I worked for myself but no longer touch them.
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