

  • If you have a sedentary job like at a computer screen all day, then I think you need to try to do at least 6 days but then it depends on how hard you exercise. I believe that Walking or running should be the foundation of your program where walking can be done every day and then sprinkle in ab and strength workouts as you…
  • I totally agree about your view about that TV show. Its kind of scary that it is so popular.:smile:
  • For whats its worth, you all have my admiration. Its easier for a guy to lose weight than a woman. And even easier to forget how woman have to contend with this issue. It sounds like exercise makes the body work better in general. I new to this site but I'm amazed at how supportive most people are.....This can only help
  • I've never had an avocado. Are they good? Also whats the best way to separate egg whites. Thanks
  • I just joined and I really excited about learning how to do it too. Some of the reply posts are really fantastic. I agree with many that learning what kinds of foods to eat and how many calories are in the foods we eat is really informative. The support is also really nice.
  • Hi I just joined, my name is ed. I am looking forward to getting back into shape. It might be helpful to share experiences with other people trying to do the same. Its amazing to me how easy it is to gain weight. Any way looking forward to changing bad habits into good ones. Robyn, did you join the on line community and if…