Tkzk Member


  • From what I've read, sweating doesn't really do anything good for you other than cool your body or make you feel good, if you like the feeling of sweating. You NEED water. You need to drink a lot of it all the time. If you sweat it out, you've got to drink even more. When people talk about getting rid of water retention, I…
  • Maybe just change your settings to "maintain" for a week? When I switched to maintain I went from 1200 to 1500 calories, which felt like a huge difference in the amount I could eat. I think it's worthwhile to still measure and count calories regardless. It doesn't take long, and it's basically just involving your brain in…
  • I can relate in that having even a small carb/fat rich treat one day will make me hungry and increase my carb cravings for the next few days. I need to eat clean every day to feel good and not all out of sorts. A special treat can maybe be once a week, and I like to choose it myself rather than have it force upon me b/c my…
  • I don't think it looks bad at all. It's extremely sexy, though--doesn't take a lot of imagination to picture you stark naked.. Two things to consider: --will other people be wearing suits like this? If so, go for it. If not, you might feel out of place. --What will your kids think? Will they be proud of you or embarrassed?…
  • Would the kids find stuff like this acceptable? --cheese slices, some canned beans (garbanzos, white beans, black beans, kidney beans) with a little olive oil and salt, some mini-carrots, red peppers, snap peas (other yummy raw snack veggies)? You could even stick something in the toaster oven (spinach pancakes, sweet…
  • I am also nervous about this. I'm 5'5, a thin frame, and I was 125 about a month ago, and now I'm at 118. I was 120 for most of my young adult life, so being 118 feels kind of weird. At the same time, I have more energy and feel stronger than I have in I don't know how many years. I just switched to "maintenance" caloric…
  • I'm wondering if it's possible to just not let yourself snack, or to mentally prepare yourself and accept that you will only have x amount of snacks. I know that sounds really stupid, but I not only sit at a desk, but I work from home, so my entire kitchen is filled with stuff I could eat. There was one morning where I had…
  • You look fantastic--and happy! Keep up the good work, it looks like you are taking good care of yourself.
  • Matching bottoms, definitely. The black ones look like underwear. Great color choices, I think it looks awesome with your hair and tattoos. I think you look amazing!