

  • Hi pzero. I can understand your frustration. I had almost the same issue - both while I was on Weight watchers and dieting on my own. I was exercising my butt off and gained a little - couldn't understand it. Then I spoke with my WW leader - she told me I was not eating enough calories to compensate for the exercise and my…
  • Hi, First off don't give up! I agree that low carb is only temporary and we all eventually crave those carbs so it's a question of just allowing yourself what you want as long as you stay within your calorie limit. I was on weight watchers for 8 months and only lost 16 lbs. and that was with exercising 3-5 times a week AND…
  • Hi Kiddo, If you still have the cold it is important to slack off on overtaxing your body, it is already in a weakened state and needs rest to respond and get better. While yes it is good to "push through" fatigue many times - when you are sick is not one of them. It can also impede your progress so I would suggest resting…
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