A month in.........

Hi All,
I joined MFP a while ago but have only really being doing it properly since about a month ago but have been adding things into my diary daily and keeping up with exercise.

I feel a bit disapointed as i seem to have increased in weight but know that i have lost inches as i do feel better but it is always a bit disheartening when you dont see the scale move in the way you want it to! I dont want it to go up - i either want it to stay the same or go a bit lower.

Anyway - the reason for this post is because i feel i may be getting a bit obsessive with it all and wondered if it was normal in the 'beginner' stages as such?

I have been feeling poorly this week with a cold bug that seems to be doing the rounds but yet i am still exercising - i tend to do a lot of running so i have downscaled it a bit to more of a power walk - but with extra effort. When i am working out i do feel heavy but push through and for a bit afterwards i feel OK - then i seem to go down again and feel really poorly.

I thought that sweating it out of me would help - but i think i might be pushing myself too hard and my body is telling me that it needs a break - but then my obsessive side says that if i dont work out like i have my mind-set to then i will just put loads of weight on.

So do you think that when you are poorly it is ok to take a week off to recover fully from the illness and it wont have too much detremental issues or do you still try and keep up to your routine???

Kiddo x


  • lmtncb
    lmtncb Posts: 3
    Hi Kiddo,

    If you still have the cold it is important to slack off on overtaxing your body, it is already in a weakened state and needs rest to respond and get better. While yes it is good to "push through" fatigue many times - when you are sick is not one of them. It can also impede your progress so I would suggest resting your body and giving it what it needs until you feel better and are strong enough to get back to your regular exercise routine.
    Hope this helps

  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    If your cold is from the neck down No exercise like a chest cold.Now if it is from the neck up then you should take it easy but you can still workout. Make sure your eating is clean. You should be loosing weight.WOndering why your not. Cant see what your eating to see what it holding you back. Clean eating willl take you a long way and help you heal faster
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    I totally understand where you are coming from. Exercise in itself is good if you have a cold - those power walks will be doing wonders for your vascular system. Just make sure you get plenty of rest and fluid too. xxx
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    Sounds like you are off to a great restart! I just started and I have been going and doing like a mad women. My gym is closed on Sundays so I get my rest day in. As far as being sick, If you have something you need to be alert about I would walk before that. but other than that I would put my cal to 1380 and eat lots of fruit and veggies and drink lots of water and camp out in the living room with a few good movies. 1-2 days. If you feel restless take a walk but don't go crazy.
    Hope You feel better soon!