

  • I have 5lbs. I like them for all the exercises except the front raises(shoulders). I bought 3's to try for that
  • There is a great website called couch 2 5k. It will give you a plan for 8 weeks. If you are already active, you can probably start at week 2, 3, or 4 and be ready for the March 5k.... I am running one in March also. My first in a long time!
  • Congrats on quitting smoking and moving towards an amazing goal of a marathon! I have asthma and can become winded easily at times. I have found that if I control my breathing from the start it is easier to not panic. Try breathing in a pattern. Count it out if it helps. Depending on my activity I will try breathing -in in…
  • Was he more specific than "stay away from carbs"... There are a lot of healthy and neccessary carbs in whole grains and vegetables.
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