Wien7 Member


  • Exactly! I swear, one of these days someone will discover that somehow soy beans secrete crack cocaine.. because they are just too good to stop after a few.
  • You forgot to add "whilst the poster clearly is not! [insert aghast face here]". ..Really, now.
  • If I may- thank you. As I said numerous times before- this is the diet plan I have been following for the past little while without noticeable health effects- even seemingly minor ones such as lightheadedness, etc. However- I realize, of course, that this is not a suitable plan for one to follow for prolonged periods of…
  • .. Isn't it so great that she's right and that you're right? Wait 'till she reaffirms your reaffirmation! @Zara: ..What's implied is implied, let's not be coy. Nevertheless, I naturally didn't take any offense because I trust you posted what you did what the proper intention- my consequent post simply also stands as a…
  • For the record- that is the kind of feedback that is appreciated, not to mention beneficial. And those are great ideas, actually- if not the canned salmon in a lunchtime salad (which I think I will ease myself into before I leave for vacation- fish is the only meat I can see myself consuming again), the hard boiled egg at…
  • If someone wanted a "quick fix" etc- or any of the things you mentioned- chances are they would just type in 'lose weight fast' in a search engine and be directed to a multitude of sites that not only are solely intended for the encouragement of 'unhealthy eating'- but ones that shamelessly glorify eating disorders. So…
  • Well, I'm not exactly sure what you ..mean to say by that, but I can just re-sate it again, for it really is quite obvious: Looking nice and fit is desirable, yes- but even at my 133 lbs, I comprehend the simple logic that I already look normal and healthy. Accordingly, if I were to noticed that I was feeling ill or…
  • @ misty589: Lying? And the point in doing that would be..? Also, I don't need to 'seek help' for I thankfully do not have anything health-related problem that requires treatment, whether that be low blood pressure, or a disorder. @ Everyone else: Allow me to re-state what I said in my initial intro. post: I am asking for…
  • Well, hearty apologies if by some stretch of the imagination I imaged that it was 'fun'. Or fun squared. That it is not, rest assured. But- butbutbut, is effective. And trust me, by the third day: you don't even feel hungry that much. It's very much so a mindset you need to get yourself into, and the results just…
  • First and foremost, I recommend really exercising your willpower if nothing as (as you said you're sitting for the entire period)- but if snack you must: I do so on celery sticks and/or sugarless gum. Just drink plenty of water and drink a fruit tea occasionally- it'll taste a bit more like an indulgence. * Not…
  • Well, it's very wise that you've gotten determined to get the weight off in advance- you've definitely left yourself ample time for it to be a feasible task. Best of luck to you.