

  • each time i have done the program i have lost 25 lbs after my oldest and a little over 40lbs. with my 2cnd son. right now with everythinh going on i cannot get motivated :( hoping i find it soon
    in Slim n 6 Comment by dayna3 August 2009
  • I am a mommy to 3 little boys. my youngest is 5 months but is a preemie. So does anyone else seem to find that just as you get started exercising you have to stop to tend to the children? Im having a hard time balancing it all? what type of program would be ideal for a mom with 3 children?
  • Im also starting slim in 6 , this is my 3rd time using the program to lose weight ( have done it after each of my boys were born) but right now having a hard time getting movtivated:huh: GOOD LUCK!
    in Slim n 6 Comment by dayna3 July 2009
  • still trying to figure this site out, not real sure what im doing yet
    in hi Comment by dayna3 June 2009