Slim n 6

SexyMrsCarty Posts: 57 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Well just wanted to see how everyone is doing and up date on how I am doing, I am on day 4 of my slim n 6 so far so good. I am really liking the workouts but I don't know if I will lose the 6lbs by the end of the 6 days but I am going to keep on trying.

Hope everyone is on track keep up the good work.



  • I have the Slim in 6 DVD too! I will try it beginning Monday. I'm late!
  • dayna3
    dayna3 Posts: 5
    Im also starting slim in 6 , this is my 3rd time using the program to lose weight ( have done it after each of my boys were born) but right now having a hard time getting movtivated:huh: GOOD LUCK!
  • SexyMrsCarty
    SexyMrsCarty Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you I will enjoy how have your past times been did you lose what you wanted??
  • peapods02
    peapods02 Posts: 27
    It is a pretty good program, it does get a little boring by the end, but overall I will not complain.

    I just finished at the end of June and lost a total of 13lbs and 16 1/2 in :noway: . I did not do their recommended eating plans, I just stuck to watching my calories here on MFP. Also, I did do My fitness coach on Wii for 30min after I got done with SI6. But I will give SI6 the most credit.

    Good Luck and Have Fun:smile: .
  • sallym76
    sallym76 Posts: 3
    It is a pretty good program, it does get a little boring by the end, but overall I will not complain.

    I just finished at the end of June and lost a total of 13lbs and 16 1/2 in :noway: . I did not do their recommended eating plans, I just stuck to watching my calories here on MFP. Also, I did do My fitness coach on Wii for 30min after I got done with SI6. But I will give SI6 the most credit.

    Good Luck and Have Fun:smile: .

    How do you log the calories burned on MFP for the Slim in 6 workouts? I've been choosing Aerobics, low impact and Calesthenics, light/mod effort and I wonder if those are good choices for the calories burned during the Si6 workouts.
  • peapods02
    peapods02 Posts: 27
    I logged it as circuit training
  • sallym76
    sallym76 Posts: 3
    Ok - that gets me more calories burned than what I was doing.
  • dayna3
    dayna3 Posts: 5
    each time i have done the program i have lost 25 lbs after my oldest and a little over 40lbs. with my 2cnd son. right now with everythinh going on i cannot get motivated :( hoping i find it soon
  • Way to go!
  • Edjsmom
    Edjsmom Posts: 22
    Hello Everyone!

    I too am a SI6er and I started my round this Monday. I was using this site for food tracking, but decided to join the boards for motivation and support. I have 80 lbs to lose and I don't want to stop until I do.

    Lynzb ~ The first time I used SI6, I indeed lost 6 lbs the first week and I did not use the express diet. This programs does work, just stick with it and you are guaranteed to see results!

    Dayna3 ~ I had my first child in Dec. and am too getting back into things. I attempted in April and then I don't know what happened. Good thing is we both know that this program works all you have to do is "Press Play." :happy:
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