

  • Ive been having the same problem. I put the plyometrics in under aerobics, the kenpo as boxing or martial arts, core synergenics as calesthenics, the strenghts training as push ups and pull ups. So far I cant get the calories burned to show up when i put in the reps for the strength training,so i combine it with push ups,…
  • I was having the same problem. Working out every day and eating healthier and less and the scale didnt move. My family and I want camping for a week and i went off my diet and exercise program. I started it back Tuesday and when i weighed myself this morning I was finally below 180. I dont know if the break helped or not,…
  • I have been doing the p90x workouts for just over a month, 5 weeks to be exact, and I dont follow the diet that came with the plan. I eat carbs at least an hour before I workout and something with alot of protein and some fruit after. I am finding out that it is very hard to stay below my suggested carb intake, so I try to…
  • I am new as well. I started using mfp this Monday, hoping it helps. Two days before I turned 37, I quit smoking and started doing the P90X workouts. Saterday will be a month smoke free. I feel so much better and have soo much more energy. You can add me as well.