

  • Seldom, maybe once every couple of months. The scale is only a number, how I feel in my clothes is the real test for me. I have one pair of pants I really love and last year I couldn't close them. Now I can and they feel comfortable and that's the best result for me. If I weigh myself too often, I become obsessed with…
  • I've cut down on my carb intake and it's made a big difference. Here in Germany, there's a new bread in the stores that only 10 per cent carbs and that's what I eat at lunchtime. I don't eat much pasta, rice or potatoes any more and my spare tire has really gone down since January. I'm just not active enough to burn off…
  • I'm hitting 55 this year and have lost 10 kilos so far. I've cut down on carbs and it seems to have really helped shift some of the weight around my middle. Anyway, nice to be here and to be able to chat with people in the same boat.
  • I'm 54 and I've been through the hormone thing. I'm out the other end of it now and I seem to have a bit more control over my weight these days, but it's still a struggle. Anyway, I'm happy to be friended by anyone, I'm really new here.