cjcolorado Member


  • I am absolutely in love with Fage 0% fat Greek yogurt. 130 calories per cup, with 23g protein. I have it every morning with fresh berries, a handful of almonds, and a small spoonful of jam mixed in for sweetness. I can't tolerate stevia (or artificial sweeteners) and chicory does not sit well with me. Fage keeps it simple…
  • Fage 0% Greek yogurt (I swirl in a little bit of whole fruit jam, fresh fruit, and almonds)--the yogurt alone is 23g protein. Pacific Gold beef jerky (Costco)--11g protein Low-fat cottage cheese Quick egg-white omelet w/feta and Italian tomatoes, spinach Almonds Smoothie: milk, protein powder, greek yogurt, whatever flavor…
  • When I go to the 5:30 am sessions, I typically have just 1/2 a banana and some water before I'm out the door. If I go any later in the morning, as I'll be up for a few hours by then, I'll typically have a light breakfast (Fage yogurt and some coffee). I always, always have something with protein right afterwards. Most…
  • That looks like a fantastic menu! My kids are older now (9, 7, 7); but, I would have killed to have seen such healthy choices in their pre-school. I pack their lunches now with healthy whole foods; but, at the time, it was hard to compete with the snacks that were being offered them at preschool once they got home. Some…
  • I typically go and do WODs 5 days a week, use one day for active recovery (slow swim, yoga, easy run...) and one day totally off for rest and recovery. In a couple of days, I should be able to add XC skiing in a few days a week, too, which I'll transition to running again in the spring.
  • I did two strict pull-ups from a dead hang today. This doesn't seem like much, but, as a long-time runner, I've not done much in the way of pull-ups, so I'm pretty psyched to see improvement! I've gotten kipping down for toes-to-bar and knees-to-elbows, so I might be able to try kipping pull-ups soon, too. I just wanted to…
  • I don't tolerate it well in larger amounts (that is, the amount in diet soda)--I get nauseated and a low, throbbing headache. While I don't have the same reaction to Splenda, as it's processed differently, I can taste it immediately--it tastes like chlorine to me. I later learned that it is processed using chlorine, which…
  • I love the Fage 2% (just ate a cup with cherries) and find the 0% to be a little chalky, unless I'm making ranch dip wtih it. If you can find Voskos, though, their 0% fat is quite good and not as chalky. Fage makes a full fat (4%?), but it is hard to find.
  • I was also just thinking, not knowing if you live in a college/university town in MN, how you could go on campus and walk the halls there, instead. In Duluth, we had the tunnels that connected everything so that you could go quite awhile while still being inside. That's another option, and probably do-able in the evenings,…
  • I ran that one last year! It is so much fun-- a beautiful course anda wonderful experience runnning with (mostly) other women. I'm debating entering the random draw again this year, even though it's a haul for me to get there. That said, I use CrossFit to enhance my running. Through the spring and summer, I typically run…
  • I'm just a bit northeast of you in the U.P. of MI. Typically, I bundle up to run outside a bit when it's cold, but before the snow hits. Then, when it gets icy, I do more treadmill work. To mix it up, in the past I have done a variety of DVDs indoors (Jillian Michael's, P90X, or power yoga). When the snow is on the ground…
  • That is a good one! There is a crazy fast (nearly all downhill) 10K that goes from Copper Mtn down into Frisco, CO. It's the "Run the Rockies" half marathon and 10K. The half has some rolling hills in the second part, but the 10k is truly zippy! (I've done many more halves all over the state, but that's the most enjoyable…
  • I'm just two months into it, but enjoying it, so far! Feel free to add me, as well.
  • Also, from experience with my newborn twins, you are very likely getting very little sleep, and what you do get is broken. Between that, and balancing their needs (trying to soothe crying, etc.), your stress/cortisol level is probably fairly high. While the weight melted off of me while BFing my twins, some mid-section…
  • YES! The Mackinac Island runs are fun and BEAUTIFUL! I've run in many states, but I usually run half marathons; however, one of my most *unique* races is a clothing-optional 5K just outside of Spokane, WA, on the Kaniksu Nudist Ranch called the "Bare Buns Fun Run" (Link potentially NSFW:…
  • This. Exactly. If you don't work up the nerve to assert yourself and just ask, you'll never know. If you end up with a problem or hostility, then bring it to the attention of the staff. In the meantime, to borrow Nike's words, "Just DO IT."
  • Butterbeer Frapuccino (off the "secret" menu) ... mmmmm......
  • I have a Garmin 450CX which uses GPS and also includes the HRM strap; however, I *rarely* use it, except when I need a precise measurment of my time and distance, and I almost never use the HRM. I go by perceived exertion (but, I'm not too obsesseive about specific calorie counts, either). On most of my runs I use my Nike+…
  • Costco frequently has it, as well.
  • +1 You may want to throw in some strides here and there; but, work on building up stamina first. Try to be a bit more consistent with your running, as well. Once a week you'll barely be able to register gains. I will disagree about the treadmill work as I have to use one through much of our winter where I live; however, if…
  • These are spot on, as well as the fact that her body is likely to hold on to some excess fat during breastfeeding. Lack of consistent sleep also makes it more difficult to metabolize. And also, 11 weeks is still very, very early! I had a singleton and then twins almost two years later. I couldn't wrap my head around…
  • Nice work! Congratulations!
  • I agree with everything that's already been said. In addition, if that mountain is close to you, then one of the best things you can do (obvs) is to practice where the race will be. It's not a faux pas to walk or stride on steep inclines, either, if that feels appropriate when you're there. However, if you do choose to run…
  • While I generally dislike the guy's snotty tone and spurious use of related research, if we narrow down his premise to one, specific circumstance, he is correct: steady-state cardio ONLY, in the long run, changing nothing else, will not lead to long-term, consistent weight loss. I have been a distance runner for the past…
  • Same here, with my daughter. Cook lots of healthy, whole foods, avoid processed foods (with the exceptional treat of Udi's bread or cookies once in awhile). Eating out is trickier; but, you can usually stick to simpler dishes that revolve around a meat/protein without a lot of added sauce or a dinner salad. We had much…
  • I use their fresh steamed lentils (packaged in with the produce), a jar of bruschetta sauce (found with the pasta sauces), and crumbled feta to make a delicious dip that I eat with their savory rice crackers. It's higher in sodium, but great protein and otherwise good macros. Oh, and super delicious (pot-luck worthy)!
  • Yep--same sort of prep as any other dried bean. They freeze well, too. I do a large batch, then divide up to freeze some (and roast some). I dry mine, toss with olive oil, kosher salt, and nutritional yeast before roasting at a high temp (400 or a bit more). Then, I usually eat the whole freaking batch.
  • Excellent! Congratulations!
  • Nice work and congratulations!
  • Word. :smokin: