keppick Member


  • Hmmm, no Trader Joe's or Whole Foods Markets in Wales.... that makes things difficult. Can you order any of this stuff on line with out paying through the nose?
  • Ditto with all the stuff said above - get out of STARVATION! Sounds like you're starting to figure it out. I didn't know the difference between a Nutritionist and a Dietitian. I'd go with the one that has the Dietitian! Keep in mind there's probably a lot of variety among those folks as well. Another factor could be…
  • I am a big fan of "the cow", but my sister swears by rice milk and soy milk products. Just an idea you might want to try.
  • Never seen that message myself. Lie one day and see what happens.:happy:
  • Rather than a WORKOUT with the injured knee, go for a walk. Take it easy but keep moving. As for chocolate, I there with you! Here's the trick: Get your chocolate fix in low cal ways rather than removing chocolate from your diet. Allow yourself some indulgence to your various cravings. I like to have SOME chocolate every…
    in Confession Comment by keppick June 2009
  • The earlier post is probably right, men look at you now and think, "There's no way that BABE is available." You may also be walking with more confidence. You no longer draw in the pathetic guys who are looking for something off the bargin rack! Only men of quality will check you out and they will do it with respect…
  • Of course it's better to "spend" your calories on food that is more nutritous, however, you will never stick to a "diet" unless you get to have some fun periodically. As long as you don't have a party too often and you keep the party under control you're fine. What you did is what is known as MODERATION. This is a skill…
  • Preface: I bike rather than run so this is not something I focus on, however I have a little bit of training because I am an Elementary school teacher. We do have training to teach PE at the kid level. So, here's my best guess. Given the differences in bodies (length of leg, fitness level, etc.) I would think that jogging…
  • A lot depends on what you want to do... I run errands and go to work. Saves on gas, good for the environent, and exercise. If you want to join a biking group and do weekend road rides with them, see what they have. I got a commuter bike about a year ago with lots of gears. It's not a mountain bike but definitely not a…
  • What ever your BMR is that is essentially what you should be eating to maintain. To avoid gaining you might shoot for under that by 50-100/day. Stick with it for a week then tweek it up or down if needed. Big tip: KEEP TRACKING your food and exercise (maybe forever). It keeps you honest! It is very easy to lose track of…
  • Why not change it to "indulgence" rather than "cheat". You took a brief and large break and you enjoyed it! Sounds like you're back on track! Good job! However, it is possible to party WITH FOOD and not go overboard! It is also possible to party WITHOUT FOOD and still have a great party!
    in I Cheated.. Comment by keppick June 2009
  • Well, I like what I see on this string! Let's see if I can get in all the responses I want. Overall, thanks for the humorous comments about my family situation. It's nice to laugh it off. Stiring, the hand held body fat measuring gizmos are similar to the scales and they do get poor to good measurements (in other words…
  • I am not on medication for high cholestrol. I have been able to control it to some extent by diet and exercise but at Christmas a very good friend died from pancreatic cancer. As a result my stress levels were through the roof for several months, and (as you probably can guess) my cholesterol went up. Really annoying! I…
  • My personal trainer says you should modify things periodically or your body gets too used to it. The key for me was when I decided to start figure skating (at age 35 - for the first time). I found I loved it! As a result of the figure skating, I started yoga class too get more flexible. I also started having problems with…
  • I'm in LA but I love yoga too (as well as yogurt). If you look around you should be able to find a yoga instructor that will help you figure out how to modify what ever the class is doing for your level. The class I go to the teacher is really good at spotting the rookies and helping them figure out how to do all the moves…
  • Are you keeping track of those measurements (neck, waist, & hip)? If your pants are fitting looser you might be trimming down by trading fat for muscle. Also sometimes it helps to change up your workout. I use a personal trainer and love it... She keeps me on my toes and continues to change things up for me. If you can't…
  • Looks like I found the right crowd... I joined MFP last week at the suggestion of a friend. I was with weight watchers for several years and lost 40 lbs. It was the next step in finding my "inner athelete". Now I need something to fine tune. Suggestions are helpful! I am a teacher and was planning on working summer school…
  • I understand the desire! All of those things sound wonderful, but moderation is the key. I make my indulgences count! What I mean is my big weakness is CHOCOLATE, the darker the better and it's best with some sugar (not those bitter dark chocolate bars). So, when I see white cake sitting out in the teacher's lounge I can…
    in How to stop Comment by keppick June 2009
  • Relax! If your brain tells your body there is an emergency it might try to hold on to EVERYTHING! Stress makes a difference! Even if you're four pounds off your goal you still look fantastic compared to where you started. Celebrate that and go to the reunion. If it is a stress reaction telling yourself that may help you…
    in NEED HELP! Comment by keppick June 2009
  • Welcome! Tracking food and exercise helps keep me honest. DON'T SKIP ANYTHING, even if you're sure it's no big deal.... it all adds up. Record every stick of gum. The flip side is I tend to underestimate (by just a touch) my workouts because that gives me more calories to eat. So on that end, when in doubt, underestimate.…
  • I always go to Consumer Reports before laying down major cash. They are online although you do have to subscribe to check out their ratings. Let me do a quick check..... Here's some of their lower priced ones that have an okay rating. Most of the best models were around $1000 - $2000. These are around $500. You're shooting…
  • Is it genetic? Look at your mom. It is genetic in my family. We all have lovely narrow waists and very stubborn belly fat that tends to show up and never go away around age 35-40. If it's genetic there may not be much you can do about it other than eat celery and become anorexic for the rest of your life (kidding, of…
  • Oatmeal with a little milk, 1/2 cup of peaches, and a sprinkle of cinammon along with Trader Joe's Pomegranite Green Tea. Yoga class at 9AM for an hour. I will ride my bike two miles to get there then two miles back (saves on gas as well as creating exercise).
  • Congrats on the weight loss so far! Weekends are tricky for me because I am out of the weekday routine and eating out doesn't help. First, enjoy your alcohol... sounds like you've found a good compromise on that. Second, always order something you can take home and nuke for another meal. Most restaurants serve enough for…
  • Have you lost enough to fit into a different size? Then party by getting one new outfit at the new size. Theoretically, it won't fit in another month but REMEMBER you can always tailor it down... a lot harder to tailor clothing to a bigger size!
  • First, congrats on moving to 1st place! Cutting down on sodium can help (tends to retain water). As for losing that much weight in 10 days... don't try! Stick with what you have been doing and see what your body does. If you're a fan of the show you know that stress can make your weight go UP (one of those hormones you…
  • Always weigh yourself at the same time every time you weigh in. I prefer mornings because I haven't eaten anything since bedtime. Also weigh yourself in the same clothing (birthday suit is lightest). I lean toward weighing no more than once or twice a week because if you weigh yourself daily you'll catch those weird…
  • Well, that's a pretty big party! The trick is get back on track the next day. Try to think about how did you do for the week! If you hav one big party and the rest of the week you did fine... GREAT! But be careful with those parties.... that was a really big one by the sound of it. Even at parties you need to scale it…
    in I Cheated.. Comment by keppick June 2009
  • I've done this and I don't have problems other than my iron. But the iron has been a problem forever. I am NOT anemic just lower than the Red Cross likes to see. Keep donating! The donation people are good! Ask them!
  • Spread it out! I do find a LARGE breakfast difficult. So, I have a medium sized breakfast then a large, HEALTHY snack at about 10:30 (usually a yogurt tube, cheese stick, and an apple or a cup of grapes - this is large for a "snack"). Planning out healthy snacks can be just as important as healthy meals. It works for me to…