CrisEBTrue Member


  • Don't stick your hand in a fire??? Exercise your power of choice. Be an adult. Take responsibility for your own choices and don't depend on a doctor to "fix" it for you if you continue to choose unwisely. You sound angry and bitter. I get it. I feel angry too sometimes. It's not easy nor is it simple. But don't blame a…
  • I'm 71 and I've been type2 for awhile. I can tell you that heat CAN affect your numbers. Well let's say it affects ME and my numbers. Your experience may vary. Unfortunately even the best medical professionals are not diabetics themselves so they will tell you what they have been taught. Also--if you wake up in the night…
  • I have tried very low carb. I can do it about 3 days and I have no energy, get massive headaches and lose the will to live. And I've been like this since FOREVER, long before I was diagnosed with T2D.
  • Legumes get a bad rap from the low-carb proponents. Beans and other legumes are a "good" carb, and, when combined with a whole grain like brown rice, are a complete protein. Yeah on the face of it they are higher in carbs, but your experience is proof of the benefits. And olive oil helps lubricate things. ;) And if you've…
  • Hey ya'll... I don't have any positive news to report in the weight loss department, but my A1C is down again.. which was a complete shock. :D But I'll take that good news any day. I hate January; I always get down in the dumps, and this year January ended badly with the death of my BFF; we'd been friends since we were 14…
  • Initially when I reported the problem to MFP I got an email allegedly from the service center asking for my IP address, what devices I use on the site, my passwords and..I was like hell no, do your job, I'm not going to give you the tools to hack me. For months, every time I sent a password reset request I got an email…
  • HOLY CRAP, I'm BACK. Last March when we got that notification about the MFP data breach, I changed my password and despite repeated attempt to re-set it, and emails to the "help" center, I could not access the site. Once a week I'd try again, but ultimately I gave up. I signed up on another food tracking site which…
  • I'm switching to SparkPeople. The MFP site is still having issues and the password re-set function is nonfunctional. What's hilarious is that I can't even delete my account because I am not logged in and I can't log in... :D :p Also SparkPeople has some functions the MFP site doesn't have, like a food outline designed…
  • I figure it will be a week before I can actually log anything again if I'm lucky. Not sure what glitch has allowed me to post here; for awhile I couldn't get to this site either. :::shhhhh::: It's out little secret. :wink: I've seen the maintenance message before, it's not unusual. Perhaps if they're having to rebuild the…
  • I had gotten addicted to pita chips and Maria cookies, so I stopped buying them. I was having 3-4 cookies as a snack with my coffee in the afternoon but that's like 180 calories so.. buh bye.
  • Ahm, this is really really weird, but I tried to change my password and the system has me locked in a downward spiral of password hell. I'm shocked that I got to this discussion thread: I have clicked on everything. I changed my password last night, allegedly successfully but when I tried to log in it kept telling me there…
  • I hear that. I thought that for the price--it didn't live up to the hype. It obviously works for people who don't know where to start or how to make choices, but this is not my first rodeo (although I've fallen off the horse a few times). B) :p Also being diabetic, I have gotten used to tracking carbs--and that is missing…
  • I signed up for the WW online plan today. But. I cancelled it; I'm paid up until June, and that's fine. But I think the mobile app is not very intuitive. It's hard to find foods and get them to show up in the right place. For better or for worse, I feel like the food tracking tool on MFP is easier to use; maybe because I'm…
  • I've got Silver Sneakers, although I haven't been on their website. I do use my SS card at a local gym. I just haven't gone in far too long. I haven't done anything. Went for walks weather permitting, rode my stationary bike, but clearly nothing to brag about. I've been dead in the water for almost a year. I went to Weight…
  • Good morning! We got snow flurries today..kind of weird for March in NC.. it's mostly melted. I did go for a walk to get some pictures; it's only 38 degrees but it isn't windy, so it wasn't too bad. Also the snow melted as soon as it hit the drive, so it wasn't slushy and freezing underfoot... I hit a bad winter slump...…
  • Hey ya'll. Yes, it's me, believe it or not. To say I've been in a slump would be high praise, indeed. :p Anyway. Has anybody here tried the new Weight Watchers plan? I have heard good things about it, but I suppose that like anything else it only works if you apply it. ha. I haven't exercised much in ages...*slaps self*…
  • I am trying to make exercising more of a habit and not a second thought. With the cooler weather I'm trying to go for walks. That's been a bit difficult because I'm having some stupid foot pain and one knee likes to remind me that I'm not 20 years old. Bah I am trying to not be continually frustrated by...the whole thing.…
  • Congratulations! I was also adopted, and I found my birth mother. She died a few short years later in her sleep; I presume from a heart attack. I know that she had type2 diabetes which she didn't deal with. She'd also had at least 2 "small" heart attacks before she died; I suspect that she was also an alcoholic. She was 58…
  • deleted because the other reply posted twice.
  • [/quote] They only eat leafy green vegetables or just a few nuts a day. [/quote] I am a 67 year old fat diabetic so I guess I can't criticize other people's choices, but that doesn't sounds like a healthy, balanced diet. o:) Maybe I'm kidding myself for feeling that I've given up a lot of foods, but eating only green…
  • Thanks for the suggestion; I'll look for them!! o:) B)
  • Re: insulin. I'm not on that kind of insulin. I have been using Lantus which is a once-a-day injection. I don't adjust it. My doc told me to start out with 10 units a night and up it x2 units every 2 days until my BS readings came down to below 140 in the am. (She had put me on Bydureon before this. I lost 18 pounds on the…
  • Yes. I've been doing all those diabetic dietary things since 1999. I obviously haven't been perfect because here I am. Too often, to my regret, I've given in to temptation from sheer boredom, frustration or hunger. I can't bake anymore because I eat it. I eliminated corn, pasta, tortillas, french fries, potato chips, corn…
  • I'm currently mostly on-track with no having any carbs at dinner. We had leftover spaghetti last night but I had salad for lunch so I figure it balanced out. I've seen that some people eat only 10g of carbs per day. How is that even possible, I wonder...
  • Thanks for the tips; and the friend request, which I accepted. B) I've never tested after one bite. Hm. How long after one bite? As for the weight gain; I'm using Lantus and that is one of the "side effects" described in the literature. Also, water retention, swelling, and several other annoying symptoms. It's all so…
  • Hi: Count me in too. yes, I'm type2. Among other things I'm taking, I am injecting Lantus at night. This seems to have helped my BS but... I've gained 20 lbs... I am going to try to talk my doc into taking me off this stuff, because as she pointed out (when ironically arguing with me against my stopping it) gaining weight…
  • Hi; I'd like to join you!!! I could use some encouragement from like minded type2 peeps. I'm on several different diabetes meds, including Lantus. I want to drop it. It did seem to help my BS numbers, but I think it's what has caused me to gain an additional 15 lbs and I'm supposed to be going the opposite direction, duh.…
  • We have a pond in our backyard as well...after 5 years, we still can't believe we really live here. It's like being on vacation. Lots of wildlife; birds, deer, foxes, squirrels.. (the little pests).
  • Yes indeed, September. Fortunately for me, I am not tempted by Pumpkin Spice Coffee topped with whipped cream. I'm am reformatting myself to Thinking I'm Already Thin. I hope my jeans are paying attention. B)