

  • nice ...this is definitely a keeper! thanks for sharing!! :happy:
  • well, your best bet is probably the minestrone soup but if you really want pasta, the capellini pomodoro and chicken giardino are both really good and part of OG's lighter fare. :wink:
  • i am 5'4 and currently weigh 117. my ideal weight is 105 which gives me 12 lbs to lose. i'm finding that my weight was much easier to shed before i turned 30 (i'm 32). :cry: i realize that i may not have a lot to lose and that my starting weight isn't that high ...but the bottom line is we all have a "picture perfect" self…
  • splenda is derived from sugar and altered to where your body does not process it which is why there is 0 nutritional content.
  • not to mention, when fasting a majority of the weight you immediately shed is only water weight. also, what many people fail to realize is that our body is a very complex "machine" that detoxes itself on a regular, on-going basis and does not require fasting.
  • drinking lots of water helps. i've started adding crystal light "on the go" to my water bottle or squeezed lemon ...adds flavor which helps me drink more. the other trick is to eat small meals every 3-4 hours ...which is actually best for the body - this keeps our systems from going into starvation mode (slows metabolism);…
  • hello peeps ...i'm new to the site as i just joined less than an hour ago. i've been wanting to keep better track of my food consumption thru the use of a diary that calculates my nutrional intake and found myfitnesspal thru google's search engine. i like that i was able to find the foods i've eaten the past couple of days…
    in Noob Comment by miche1e January 2008
  • i tried alli and found the effects quite disturbing ...definitely not for me.
  • not sure if there is a ralph's grocery store where you live but my dietician turned me on to a yogurt that has less than 10 g of sugar and is low in calories ...it is ralph's brand. i'm the type that would never purchase a store brand item and was pleasantly surprised by the find.
  • a quick fix for mornings with time challenges is ezekiel toast w/ almond butter and sliced banana (approx. 4" serving size). with this, you get a proper serving of carbs, protein, and fat (according to exchange program).