Treka Member


  • I completed the Asylum after Insanity. It is a very different focus and workout but I liked it. Shorter workouts and high performance training. The stregnth series is probably one of the best (and hardest) that I have ever done. Turbo Fire is fun but a real switch from Shawn T. Good Luck.
  • The most important thing you can do is take care of yourself so you can take care of your baby. You will not "lose your milk" by getting back in shape. However, you need to stay healthy, drink lots of water,eat right, take vitamins, feed her whenever she needs food or comforting. Breast feeding is a great calorie burner…
  • Best thing to do is wear a heart rate monitor and put in your actual calories. I can usually get almost 600-700 out of Plyo and then the strengnth is around 450-500 w/o the ab ripper. Bring it!