nakira80 Member


  • Add me too! I'm getting back to trying to be healthy again. I'm 5'6'' and I'm at my heaviest from 9-10 yrs ago. I'm 147 and I was really content at 127 and was keeping up so trying to get motivated again. I'm 36 and super busy but no buddies that I can count on!
  • I am doing the Southbeach again and I find that the protein and vegetables are keeping me pretty full, but my choices are limited. For instance breakfast, two scrambled eggs, coffee, and a little milk and no calorie sweetener. I might have a mozzarella stick for a snack or some baby carrots For lunch/dinner I can have a…
  • I am 5'6'' and my legs get muscle very easily so I have a booty and quads. I am 132 right now and my goal weight is 123. I have been that before and I felt great although bf said I was too skinny :-/ I was 123 before but had no muscles and my clothes fit baggy so I bought size 4 and 6. Now at 132 the 6's are getting tight…
  • I hit my all time high over the last two years...pants were snug and the baby "pooch" came back. I am recently divorced and my ex has all this time now to train for marathons and he lost a lot of weight while I gained. I don't want my situation to get the best of me. I lost the weight before and I will do it again! I am…