

  • Unfortunately, I haven't had that problem for years, but at one time in my life, I had lost 50 lbs. and begin to look at people that were fat, and say "why don't lose weight", and feel so good about myself I would lose more. Until I had lost 75 lbs. I think you do get in a mindset and your body & brain team up together and…
  • After you add food, you go to the bottom of the page and write any note you want for the day. Just hit the edit button and type away:smile:
  • Hi everyone I am in the same position as you all. I want to lose 100+ lbs too.:embarassed: So far have only lost 3 lbs. I am finding it is very hard to stay within one's calorie intake. It makes me realize what I must have been eating before starting. Mind boggling. I would like to have friends, so please add me. I wish…
  • Please take sodium seriously. I didn't know about it either, and I ended up with open heart surgery.:frown: In fact, this was my 2nd one 10 years apart. The first was blocked arteries due to bad eating fat. So afterwards, I watched my fats etc, didn't even know about sodium levels, then walla 10 yrs later, am told my heart…
  • OMG GIRL you are AMAZING and an INSPIRTATION to all of us. :happy: I love the way you have set up your goals. Keep up the fantastic work:flowerforyou:
  • Just to let you know, I am hoping you are having a good day. :smile:
  • Thanks Ladies for all the feedback. I am glad to see there are other people out there like me. You all have made my day. :smile:
  • Welcome to the community. Just take it easy, try not to get frustrated. Remember the turtle won the race. Good Luck, keep us posted. :smile:
  • You go girl, keep it up. :flowerforyou: