

  • Go with the heart rate monitor. That is adjusted for you height and weight and possibly your age and gender depending on your HRM. The treadmill is calibrated for an average height person, no matter what weight you type in. They are always off.
  • I have to say skipping meals is the worst! Don't skip meals. It will not help you lose weight at all. It actually slows down your metabolism, which is why you are tired. and with a slow metabolism you burn less, which then means you won't lose as much weight. And if you crave junk food, it's because your addicted to it.…
  • Celery and peanut butter. It takes more energy to burn celery than the calories in it. And with a little bit of peanut butter you get some protein to keep you full! Or celery and hummus. That's a good one too! 4 celery sticks are 12 calories and 1 tbsp of peanut butter is 95 calories