people with only 10 or so pounds to lose... i need tips!

carolynmittens Posts: 344
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
so since i've joined this site i've noticed a few people mention how difficult it is for people who only need to lose 10 or so pounds, you're not kidding! i've been working out 6 days a week for 3 months now and i really haven't lost much. i did lose about 6% body fat and i've lost inches so it's not like i'm not seeing results... but i'm definitely not seeing them as quickly as i would like. i've been trying this whole "eat more to lose more" philosophy for months now and honestly i just don't think it's for me. i spent the past 5 years of my life eating kind of sporadically and skipping meals a lot, and i weighed 15 lbs less than i do now. i've been eating regularly now for 3 months and haven't lost jack. (initially i did lose 5 lbs when i first started working out but i don't even count those; the only reason i gained them was because i spent 2 months in asia over the summer and it was white rice central. totally doesn't agree with my metabolism. so yeah i am just going to forget i ever put that weight on k thanks).

i also think my digestion is all screwed up, because i get very tired and my stomach gets bloated whenever i eat regularly. if i just drink tea or carrot juice or some other liquid all day and then eat one meal at night i feel MUCH better! (aside from the slight lack of energy) so lately i've been going back to my meal skipping ways, out of frustration and a last resort, because i just need to see some real results already you know? maybe my problem was when i was eating throughout the day i did definitely eat junk food. normally i eat super healthy but it seems that when i'm eating more, i get a lot more cravings and if i don't bring enough healthy food to work i end up snacking on all the junk we have there. over the past few days when i've just been drinking minimal cals throughout the day, i haven't craved junk at all. so i'm able to just come home after i hit the gym and eat a healthy dinner and i feel good! is this a terrible idea? maybe eating so many cals throughout the day just isn't for everyone?

based on all this randomness does anyone have any tips on how i can speed up my weight loss a bit? (pretty please don't say "just eat more!")


  • I have to say skipping meals is the worst! Don't skip meals. It will not help you lose weight at all. It actually slows down your metabolism, which is why you are tired. and with a slow metabolism you burn less, which then means you won't lose as much weight. And if you crave junk food, it's because your addicted to it. You should "eat more" but it's like 5-6 small meals a day. If you do little meals with 200-400 calories each, you will keep your metabolism going through out the day which will help you burn more calories. So maybe your "eat more" needs to be adjusted. And have one meal during the week that's your cheat meal that helps you not crave it as much, but don't go all out. Everything in moderation!

    What are you doing for your workouts? If you do just cardio, you will see some results as far as losing inches, but you really need to do some strength training. The more muscle you build the more calories you burn and the more definition you get. I hope some of this helps!
  • but skipping meals is the only thing thats ever kept me skinny :( my workouts are good, i'm doing lots of strength training followed by cardio, working different muscle groups each day. it's just food that really messes me up!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Every body is different. There are so many factors that can influence your rate/amount of loss. You might need to change things up: change your loss/week goal, adjust your activity level setting, try eating half of your exercise cals, try working out LESS. Tons of things you can tweak to try to get it jumpstarted again.

    I would read these threads that help explain metabolism and have some good tips for how to get over a plateau. Good luck!

    Just remember, while you may have been skinnier with skipping meals, you were NOT healthier. I spent 15 years being pretty thin, but I was horribly unhealthy - and I felt like crap. Do it the healthy way!
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    You may have done damage to your metabolism by skipping meals for years. That will take time to re-set.

    Sense you asked for advice I would recommend that you keep eating regularly and eat back your exercise calories. Your not gaining and your body fat % is going down so fat is leaving your body. You just haven't seen it on the scale yet. I say keep on keeping on.

    Good luck on you journey. I hope you find a way that works for you and is healthy.
  • i've started MFP wanting lose about 18 lbs (I'm 5'9'' SW 146, CW 140, GW 128) 4 months ago, and I've only been able to keep these same 6lbs off - and I lost those wthin the first week or two of starting (before i started, I had been getting zero exercise and eating like crazy). For like December thru February, I'd go up and down the same 2 or 3 lbs over and over again. Can't seem to get below 140 and stay there.

    I know you don't want to hear it, but the only thing I've noticed that seems to work for me is to UP my calorie intake to about 1320/day (like 100 below my BMR).
    AND I DO NOT COUNT EXERCISE CALORIES. I just don't bother logging any exercise. BUT STILL KEEP UP WITH EXERCISE!

    I make sure I get the exercise 60 minutes - 5x/week (burn an extra 400 calories thru cardio like very brisk walking, vigorous house cleaning etc) and do strength/toning exercise for 30 minute every at least 2x/week. Even though I'm set at 1320, I tdon't care if I end up in the 1500-1600 calorie range. It really seems like the more I eat, the more I'm likely to see the scales dip down a tiny bit every day.

    When I was counting all my exercise, I found myself consuming around 1800 - 2000 calories /day --often still under calorie goal with the exercise added on --and actually gaining weight! Nothing made me more angry than being "under calorie goal" for days on end and still gaining.

    So I devised this new strategy of just sticking to around 1400-1500 calories/day, getting fair amounts of exercise but not entering on MFP (and not so much that I'm tired and starving), getting more sleep and keeping up with strength and toning exercises. On days that I know I've done an extreme excess of cardio, I may spurge over a couple hundred calories or so, but not worry ever about it. I was finally under 140 this morning (ever so slightly).

    This is just what works better for me.
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    Bump! This is my situation exactly for the last several years. Keep the advice coming please!! :flowerforyou:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    The reality is that skipping meals and drinking them instead is not healthy regardless of what worked in the past. There is a difference between the body and metabolism of a 20 yr. old versus a 25 yr. old. Skinny does not necessarily equal healthy. It sounds like you are not making the best choices food wise (if you made your diary public more people could help you with that) from what you've said. The wrong foods will make you feel tired and bloated and blah. Something else to consider is seeing a doctor to check if you have any food allergies that would cause some of the same issues.

    I hope you figure out a healthy solution to your problem.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I would hazard a guess you stomach feels that way because it is used to your poor eating habits, which is very bad. As some others have said, it will take time for your digestive track to become used to the new normal. You probably feel "bloated" because you aren't used to having the "normal" amount of food in your stomach. First and foremost I suggest seeing a doctor. My ideas are the following:
    I would suggest eating small, multiple low calorie meals ( 6 or more) just to get your body used to eating solid foods all the time. I think eating like this would give you smaller amounts of food in your system, but you're still getting the calories you need. This will also help with the craving of junk foods, which is probably your body signalling it wants the carbs.

    I really don't know if I want to say this considering your eating habits, but to lose the "last 10 lbs", you need to slow down the cardio and up the strength training. If you do the strength training, you definitely need to increase your protein intake and eating your calorie requirements.
  • May_
    May_ Posts: 3
    Have you tried eating less but more often??? I have a friend (female) who is a professional boxer who told me the trick to losing weight is eating as soon as you wake up and every 3 hours there after. Only thing is cut the rice, breads, pasta etc.....and drink LOTS of water!!

    Hope this helps :)
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Why are you so focused on weight when you've lost 6% body fat and inches?
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