

  • We're already friends but I wanted to say "congratulations"!! I thought I would share my experience with you since my daughter just turned 4 months old. I was on a rigorous diet and exercise program before I got pregnant with her. I had dropped 40 lbs. and got back to my high school weight! I continued my exercise program…
  • It's all about portion control! I truly believe that you can eat whatever you want, as long as it's in moderation. Adding in some exercise is helpful, as well. For me, portion control has made losing the weight and KEEPING IT OFF possible. I've tried the low-carb thing, I've tried pills, I've tried working out every day…
  • Hi! My baby is 10 weeks old and she is my 3rd. I too had lost a bunch of weight just before I found out I was pregnant. I only had 10 to go! Fortunately, with the help of breastfeeding (and the loss of appetite from the post partum depression) I lost all but 5 of my baby lbs. However, I've hit a plateau. I'm back at work…
  • Hi there! Mom of 3 as of November. I have about 10 more lbs. to lose and I'm having one heck of a time getting rid of them! I would love the motivation of watching others like me reach their weight loss goals!