- 10-4 lmao all in all i think that there is a thin line of confidence on too conf. and not enough conf.....there are alot of good comments on here. i really respect all your guys' honesty
this is absolutely true....
GOTTA LOVE SPELL CHECK APPS!!! lmao i dont pay much attention on things like this
this is EXACTLY RIGHT....its just like anyone else. its easy to just let your guard down on your weight.
I haven’t lost over 200 lbs..where did u see that at
lol stay away from the donuts huh...lmao.....i have been in traditional karate, jujitsu, and practical self defense for about 6 years now..... im in pretty good shape, . i have a hard time getting stamina when on foot pursuits. i am still 14 for 14, but i litterally feel like going to the hospital afterwards cause i cant…
im male, and havent got any pics.....that dont really matter.....this is good convo tho....everyones views are different
confidence will definately do that to careful because over confidence could be a bad thing, but not enough could be bad as well
thats also a good post....i like that it does flatter you but you stay true to your wife..your love. i really like this post
ur pretty funny.....try using your humor to flirt with girls
i totally agree with everything you just said....
i dont either....self control...self control
- honestly cant be too careful. agreed
its all guys are really something lmao
I flirt more with my husband. I am the same weight but my clothes fit better and I feel better. The weight will come in time. I don't want some guy flirting with me and I don't want to flirt with other guys....just doesn't feel right to me. i really respect that
im a guy who jokes around all the time. im not being indecent....also you were giving pics to everyone, so i would except them if you were giving them....tell me one guy who wouldnt.....this thread isnt about any of that tho
lol....i like that...lmao
Hey...ur the one showing ur blue waffle to everyone
ur nuts lady.....i did not, and i didnt even ask you for anything in the first place, so get over yourself
i appreciate you serving our fine nation. THANK YOU!!! i have much respect for you
you guys are rediculous, and thanks for the ones who are actualy posting real stuff....i appreciate it
where does everyone draw the line to consider to be cheating. We look, but dont touch...what about everyone else
you pple are unbelievable...lmao
ok...i can see that your boundaries are there....see, everyone is different, and that is why they are with the people they are with because they share the same views as each other
lol there is a super big trust...
REALLY!!!! does anyone else think that this thread is creepy? if ya dont like this thread, then dont post on it. There is a lot of other people who think that this is a decent thread. lets keep on topic please....
i agree with the choices statement....