

  • I've never really had issues with my cycle, but have issues with some excess hair and a hard time losing weight. I'm following the PCOS Diet Book and reading a psychology of weight loss book. I've found that I tend to eat when I sit in front of the TV, so I've spent more time in my room doing crafts or reading instead. By…
  • Congrats for my PCOS sisters in here who have lost weight. I was diagnosed a year and a half ago, 6 months after my miscarriage. I have been struggling with my weight since...I dropped 20 lbs then put 17 back on... I am looking for a support system to help me stay motivated. Have any of you read The PCOS Diet Plan? I read…
  • I put an avocado (peeled of course) in a blender with some olive oil and a little Italian dressing and blended til smooth. Then tossed in less than a quarter cup of parm cheese and blended again. It made a pretty decent Alfredo substitute for my spaghetti squash.
  • I had never thought of using quinoa as an oatmeal substitute. Awesome! I like quinoa and detest oatmeal. I've gotten into barley sweetened with maple syrup or honey. Like that.
  • Wow, things got pretty contentious there for a while. By the way, it's spelled concoction to the guy who felt the need to put a K in the middle. I read "Lose Weight WITHOUT Dieting (Animal Kingdom Workouts)" by David Nordmark, and "Make Shift Happen: Change How You Look by Changing How You Think" by Dean Dwyer and both…
  • 1) What does bump mean? 2) I'm not fond of the texture of instant oatmeal...does this have a different texture? I've taken to eating barley as if it were oatmeal.
  • I am back...I used this a couple years ago and lost 15 lbs but put it back on and then some. I need an accountability partner to remind me to get my butt on here and track! I have an exercise accountability partner in the guy I'm seeing... I just need help getting on here.