

  • I am a little crazy with the scale... I am such a nerd that I find it interesting to see how my weight fluctuates during the day depending on what I eat, drink or how much the baby is nursing. :) I started trying to lose weight June 1 and initially did the 30 day shred when the kids are napping. It was pretty good workout,…
  • Hey, maybe there's something wrong... I just finished reading a health magazine recently that said around 1g to 1.5g of carbs per lb of body weight would fuel workouts and help recovery, but keep you from gaining too much weight. I have been following this for 2 weeks and lost 4 lbs. Anything less than that and I am…
  • I just started having this problem to. I am used to knee pain, shin splints, etc... but have never had this before. I find going up and down the stairs are the worst. Today I just went on the elliptical and bike instead of running, and that felt better. I LOVE running to and hope to get this fixed up. Let me know if you…