spudnz Member


  • When I was fully focused on losing weight I had a 'kitchen closed' rule. We decided as a family upon a time where there was no more going to the fridge or pantry - our time was 7.00pm. We made an effort to get through dinner, clean up and get that 'last minute thing' or dessert if we really had to have it - then '"closed…
  • On track with the exercise, lacking a little with the water! Today I have shifted half a truckload of wood chip around the garden, so although I havent actually been for a specific walk, there was more than enough walking over the three hours! On the bad side, the other half of the truckload needs to be dealt with tomorrow!
  • Crikey, the walk/run I can do no probs, but the water!! It converts to 2.27 litres. I can usually manage around 1.5 - 1.8 litres, so this may be interesting........
  • Hi there, Im up to the challenge! Will have to convert to metric though..........Good luck everyone!
  • Back from a weekend at the beach, a wee bit heavier I think (WI tomorrow), but on the up side I did two 1 hour walks each day, some squats and lunges (when noone was looking !!) and drank heaps of water. So although i may have gained a little, it could easily have been alot worse! Feeling great and positive for the coming…
  • Sparlingo - Im in NZ - and no the weather is not that great today! Its raining, but relatively warm. We are heading into summer, so hoping for some nice weather!
  • Im heading away this avo for three days camping with friends. I ALWAYS in the past have overindulged and come home with a couple of extra kilos. I am always so good to start with, and my will power disappears. I think the problem for me is my friend - when we were at school she was always so much smaller than me - now she…
  • Im off to a great start! Have been to the gym this morning and done 30minutes on the treadmill - random hill setting. And also done 25minutes of weight circuits! Trying to get back into it! I will have to alter the challenge a little as I cannot do sit ups - health problem with pressure in my head, so cannot do that sort…
  • Hi all, my journey has largely been with Weight Watchers where I lost 67.02 pds (I work in kgs, so had to find a converter!!!) Sounds much better in pounds!!! Slowly over the past few months I have had some health issues and reformed my bad habits and have gained some back again. My son in law showed me 'my fitness pal'…
  • Love It ......GO You!!! And please dont stop, it is soooo worth it!
  • Wow, that is soo inspiring!!! Can I ask a stupid question> What is the 30 day Shred......I have just started this.....