wyojamie1982 Member


  • Hi Vonne77 I would love another mom to talk to about this crazy journey of weight loss and healthy eating.
  • I have been on it since February and was hoping to be at my goal by now of 35 pounds lost. But it is slow. I'm finding my enthusiasm is dwindling and I'm cheating more than I should. Not bad cheats like sitting down and eating a buffet of carbs but just miss being able to have fruit sometimes. I really need to find some…
  • Because I'm a Newlywed and would like to be a trophy wife to my husband. He loves a little meat on his bones but I want to be able to wear the cute tops. Plus i'm not getting any younger and the weight needs to stay gone this time.
  • I would say it is scar tissue building up. I had my last c-section 5 years ago and I still find if I move wrong it hurts. Plus since they cut across the muscles they heal differently. Take it slow and it might be worth it to talk to a trainer that could give you tips on low impact excercises. Your doctor might even have…
  • I am also on the diet journey alone. If she insists on cooking hers in oil and loading it with fat that is her choice However you also have a choice to make a healthier alternative. I like making my tacos with turkey burger and then doing more of a lettuce wrap to cut out the carbs. They are just as tasty and I don't feel…