c-section moms

Anyone else who had a c-section lately have problems with pain during exercising? December 29th 2012 is when I had my c-sec. Every time I exercise that requires jumping, running or anything that requires me to come down on my feet with force hurts my incision area and parts of my stomach. Is this normal? Is anyone else experiencing this? I tried wearing a belly type band but it doesn’t help much.


  • wakie27
    wakie27 Posts: 26
    I'm guessing you mean 2011? My c-section was in Jan of 2011 (it was my second one). Since being cleared to.exercise, I haven't experienced any type of pain there during working out. There will be the very occasional pull/pinch at a random time, but that actually hasn't happened for a while. Maybe you should talk to your doctor about it? Did you just start working.out again since having.your baby? Maybe you just need.to take things a little slower to build.up.some muscle around that area?
  • CourtLiv
    CourtLiv Posts: 68 Member
    Your scar could be pulling, especially if this is really the first time you started getting active since the section. It could just be tight. You may also have adhesions, scar tissue that builds up and binds to other tissue or surrounding organs, which, in turn can cause tension, pain, and internal pulling.

    Is this your first c-section?

    When I had my second son (both were via c-section), they had to cut away adhesions that had built up and binded my lower internal organs together from my first c-section. The susceptibility towards scar adhesions tends to run in families...
  • wyojamie1982
    wyojamie1982 Posts: 5 Member
    I would say it is scar tissue building up. I had my last c-section 5 years ago and I still find if I move wrong it hurts. Plus since they cut across the muscles they heal differently. Take it slow and it might be worth it to talk to a trainer that could give you tips on low impact excercises. Your doctor might even have some excercises that he/she would recommend. Good luck with your wieght loss Journey.
  • ltcatc
    ltcatc Posts: 19
    Haha yes I meant 2011.
  • ltcatc
    ltcatc Posts: 19
    Thank you guys. I haven't really done any high energy exercises since I was cleared to exercise. This was also my first. If it doesn't get better in a few months I'll talk to my doc. Thank you guys for the info :)
  • I have had 3 C-sections 1992, 1995 and 2001 (Vertical not horizontal) and after the doctor's "okay", I never had any pains or issues with exercises.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I had 3 c-sections, and I did have jolts of pain, not only while exercising, but doing ANYTHING or NOTHING AT ALL, for probably about a year each time.

    It did subside eventually.