

  • Wow!! This is totally motivating!! Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work!! Thanks for the gym tips too....that's another thing i have to get back in the habit of, working out :)
  • Wow!! This is totally motivating!! Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work!! Thanks for the gym tips too....that's another thing i have to get back in the habit of, working out :)
  • Wow!! This is totally motivating!! Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work!! Thanks for the gym tips too....that's another thing i have to get back in the habit of, working out :)
  • I totally disagree with this. I saw a friend after having 3 c-sections with skin that you could pull out from her belly about 6 inches!!! There would be NO WAY for her to loose anymore of anything as she was already down to her pre-baby weight. She had very little fat on her. I don't know what her body fat was, i'm sure it…
  • I am so gonna try this....i eat so fast that it totally makes sense that my brain doesn't register that i am eating until I have already inhaled the plate of food!!! Thanks for this tip. I'm just getting started after baby #2 (who is 16 months!!) and need all the help i can get :)