

  • I'm really curious - what brand/model is the HRM?
  • This doesn't answer your question - but - the biggest advantage I have with MFP is that it "forces" me to track what I eat - each and every day. As someone before me said - even write down the stuff that you know was bad for you. By making that conscience effort, you'll soon find yourself into better eating / exercise…
  • Thank goodness for Crestor and Niaspan ... I do like my eggs a couple times a week.
  • I turn my HRM on when I walk into the gym and turn it off when I leave ... the results are logged under "daily workout". That covers warmup, cardio, weights, and cool down. Accurate or not, that's my daily number.
  • Ditto what fitnezrox said :smile:
  • Sounds like a faulty HRM ... but also, do you make sure the contact areas are wet before putting on the chest strap? Does the strap have a snug fit? I had a faulty FT7 that acted like yours, replaced it and have been satisfied ever since. You can also drive yourself crazy trying to compare the HRM readings with suggested…
  • Changed my mind ... not getting involved in this one.
  • You question got me interested, so I surfed a tad and didn't find anything (from credible sources) that outright said that diet drinks were bad for you. But what they all said was that the illusion of a sweet drink purpetuated the craving for sugary sweets ... leading the body to crave more calories ... leading to .... etc
  • Wow, I hope the OP wasn't looking for sympathy! But true, it sounds like a normal day for most of us. Everyone had great suggestions and they're all obtainable. No one says that daily exercise has to be done all at once ... crunches before the morning shower, eating lunch at your desk and then a walk after ... heck, even…
  • LFW9-3DFP-XCTXG LGPD-WF4C-GYTPX Hard to tell if the D's are D or O ... presume D Enjoy
  • - The USDA just released (Feb 11) their new numbers (sodium) ... 2300mg young adults, 1500mg for adults 50+ ... my cardiologist just cut me back to 1200mg. The AHA came out and said those numbers were still too high. They would like to see 1500mg be the new high number. - I like the food database here ... but yes, you need…
  • We always pick February - the shortest month :drinker:
  • Subtract your BMR from the 3830 calories and what's left over? That number could be correct based on your activity. You didn't give us a whole lot to work with here ... job type (you said work stuff - child care, office work, heavy equipment operator, construction crew?) , current weight, HRM type (chest band, wrist band),…
  • I agree with the above ... I created my own entry and use the data from the HRM. One must presume that you've tailored the HRM with your weight/age/sex info. I don't know where MFP gets their calculations (but I'm sure we'll hear 30 different opinions) ... but if you don't plug in your weight/age/sex etc into the…
  • Here's an article on the benefits of adding lemon juice to water ... http://naturalhealthezine.com/health-benefits-of-lemon-water/ Agree with ajweekley that it's good to minimize visits to fast food places, prepackaged meals, deli meats. It takes a little initial work but sodium intake can be reduced. Suprised that your DR…
  • Mine seems to be okay ... for the first 4 or 5 minutes it appeared about 20yds off but soon corrected itself and looks to be spot on. Having no clue as to whether or or not it will help you, I do turn my iPhone off and back on again once a week.
  • My sister-in-law had gastric bypass several years ago ... went on a special diet afterwards and lost a considerable amount of weight. Because she was the chief cook in the family, everyone by default went on her diet at the same time. My brother ended up losing almost as much weight as she did without the muss and fuss of…
  • Who's to say I don't look ridiculous in whatever I wear? :ohwell:
  • I'm a guy ... You should be be getting healthy and eating right for yourself - once you're perfect then you'll have more time to motivate your husband ... I don't always go out for a drink and eat cheese fries(actually I never eat cheese fries) - most (but not all) of the time I drink soda water with a lime - it's really…
  • Everyone has an opinion .., likes and dislikes ... I've had my Skechers for 3 months/200+ miles with no problems (I'm NOT a runner) ... soon will be time for a new pair ... haven't figured out what I may try next. I use free weights and machines firmly believing they all have benefits. Firm, tone, strong, weak ... who…
  • The only things I would add to MacMadame's comments ... buy a good hrm ... remember to subtract the calories you would normally burn if not exercising (easy enough to check while sitting around reading or watching tv). I agree that a good hrm will give you a very good reading on calories burned. I used to compare mine to…
  • Don't get lost in the expression "starvation mode" We hear starvation mode and immediately envision pictures of emaciated people. To me, "starvation mode" begins with my body subtly storing fat as an act of self preservation. Loss of body weight slows as my metabolism slows down. Though I'll probably continue to lose…
  • Polar FT4 - Its been a good one - had it for about a year. If/when I get another I think I'll stay with Polar but pick a model that I can download and track the data on my laptop (I'm a closet nerd).
  • Six days a week for cardio - alternate days for strength training ... upper body one day, lower body the next. Have been told the muscles need time to regenerate and repair themselves.
  • I use a Polar FT4 and occassionally check my numbers with http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/calories_burned.asp ... the hrm is usually higher (but not as far off as you're reporting). I set up my own generic file in the database and only count the calories burned during cardio workouts ... hoping that the strength…
  • It was said before - the daily workout is more important than when the workout occurs. The second most important (to me) is varying the workouts so you don't become stale or compacent.
  • There are several threads on this subject and I believe it will always be a never ending argument. You can ask 10 experts and get 10 different answers. I've use ankle weights off and on for years and they've never bothered me. They may or may not bother you. So why not just check with your doctor, pt, or someone you trust…
  • Pseudo-cheats are okay in my book as long as they are small and not frequent. How many people actually log their chewing gum? Do you burn more while chewing that you consume? To me, exercise is over and above "normal" daily lifestyle activities. I log gym time, long walks, skiing, biking, etc. I do not log going to the…
  • I've had my Polar FT4 for about a year and am quite satisfied ... I believe it was about $90USD.
  • Am I missing something here? When you calculated your basic caloric needs (age, activity, etc) didn't that also include calories burned by moving, breathing, normal daily activities, etc? Then you calculated how much weight you wanted to lose over a particular period of time and didn't the calculator then reduce your daily…