

  • You can DO IT!!! I think I speak for everyone when I say it is just consistency and not comparing yourself to others! We tend to sabotage ourselves before we begin. I know for me it is the starting over that is the hardest but stick to your goals and consistently strive for that little WIN first and then the next and then…
  • Good job for you for quitting smoking!! You are definately getting yourself healthier and now you can focus on your weight loss again. I understand how you feel about being asked if you are pregnant. I had a stillborn son years ago and believe me I still looked pregnant and was feeling awful everytime someone said to me…
  • YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
  • I actually have the WII fit and the Biggest Loser game for the WII and that is quite a workout!! If you guys have a WII there are great workouts and stretches on there. You can also do the exercises with your kids and make it family time and then you don't have to feel guilty about not exercising. You are actually spending…
  • Yes, I just started this week. Actually it is the contest that sent me to this site. I think it is a wonderful tool in my weight loss journey. We will see how I do. I need to weigh in on Tuesday. Do you work out regularly? I've found I'm SOOOO out of shape and wonder how I'm going to do in this contest.
  • I congratulate you on your journey and encourage you to NEVER give up!! You can do it!! I joined the Biggest Loser contest at our gym and I want to lose a significant amount of weight. You sound like you are off to a good start and don't get frustrated with yourself. It took a while to gain the weight so give it some time…