

  • Here is an excellent short writeup on running faster geared for beginners (and we are relatively speaking). http://running.competitor.com/2012/07/training/speed-training-for-beginners_8047 My personal experience is that I was in a similar position to you, running 2 or 3 miles reguarly for a while and wanting to speed it…
  • Haha. Was just curious how long it took for the meal to "pass". Useful information. Though I can't tell how long it spent specifically in the stomach, small and large intestine.
  • The common sense that finds most people in viscious cycles of weight loss and gain? People have different metabolic needs that respond differently to macronutrient compositions. Of course yes, overall, the biggest thing is caloric intake and expenditure. That is why this system exists. Duh. No one is saying protein is…
  • Why not just eat all your calories from fat then?
  • The body can use about 10g of amino acids per hour. It turns out that the fastest protein, whey, is absorbed at about 10g per hour. The question is, how long can the body absorb the contents of a meal for, and that is really a lot longer than 2-3 hours. The small intestine can absorb protein along its full length, and…
  • Ok, I'll throw my hat in the ring! 1) If you are restricting calories and losing weight successfully, at some point you have to adjust your RMR downward to account for your new improved physique. It takes less energy to run your sorry *kitten* now, so you'll have to eat even less to continue to lose the same rate :) 2)…
  • 30g fat to me seems low for a woman pre-menopause. The % is sometimes irrelevant. In any event I'm comfortable eating 1-2g/kg or about .8-1.8g/lb protein myself, and I'm a post-MANopause guy!
  • Why stop at Paleolithic ancestors? My simian ancestors had a fruit and bug diet and I'm sticking to it!
  • It's best to eat back the calories around exercise primarily ... solid up to an hour before, liquid during and anything after for up to 24 hours. This way they are less likely to be deposited as fat and more likely to be used for energy, glycogen storage and muscle repair and building, and much of the latter is not likely…
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