Paleo Diet!



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    If you have no addiction issues..........

    Then give up bread for 30 days.

    Eat only FATS, Proteins and carbs from fruits and vegetables.

    30 DAYS...............If you are not willing or able to give it a go for 30 days, then yes in deed there are addiction issues.

    Good grief! This is silly. Just because someone chooses not to participate in another's experiment is not proof of an addiction.

    I would refuse to go barefoot for 30 days. That doesn't make me addicted to shoes.

    I absolutely agree with this. You expect someone to sacrifice a well-balanced diet for the sake of proving you wrong. Nah... not worth my energy.

    Oh and the 'food addiction' thing is just retarded. I am a recovering drug addict. There is a chemical reaction that occurs in the brain when you abuse substances. That same chemical reaction can occur with food, but not nearly as intensely. Our bodies require food. Whether you are paleo, vegetarian, keto, or cutting any other specific food item out of your diet, if you are not especially careful you can create nutritional defeciencies that will disrupt weight loss and health in the long run. I'm not even really convinced that you can avoid those deficiencies, but what you do with your body is your choice. But refusing to take an extreme measure that could cause deficiencies has absolutely NOTHING to do with food addiction. The closest anyone comes to an addiction with food are binge eaters.

    I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains. (But to be honest, I believe that is a true statement of *all* carbohydrates.) I will be surprised if my upcoming annual blood panel indicates any areas of deficiency. And I will be absolutely astounded if the solution to any of those deficiencies is consuming more grains. I believe my health has been substantially improved by eliminating grains. I believe the account of many others who have experienced what could best be described as a full healing from various afflictions and general improved well-being is sincere.

    Nothing personal, but whether or not you or anyone else decide to follow this approach, it really doesn't bother me. When I share with others that they may want to consider eliminating certain types of foods (such as grains and legumes), I do it just to present a possible solution to their problems. If they try it and it works for them, great. If they don't try it but continue to have issues that *might* be remedied by trying it, I'll SMH but then I'll go back to trying to help those who are willing to consider it. My goal is not to convert everyone to paleo/primal. I am not trying to eliminate all bagels and doughnuts from the world.

    As for the well-beaten addiction topic, the literature seems very clear to me. Individual interpretations of distinctions and nuances notwithstanding, it would appear that the scientific community has embraced that addiction to certain foods is very real. That you acknowledge "but not nearly as intensely", you seem to be on the side of the argument that says that it can be an actual addiction. At the very least, that an intense desire not to give up certain non-essential foods for a period of time to determine if they are in fact causing the problems, while not evidence by itself of an actual addiction, seems to support the possibility of an addiction (or at least does not contradict the possibility).
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains.

    Protein is an essential nutrient isn't it?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains.

    Protein is an essential nutrient isn't it?

    Good catch. What I should have said is something like, "I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains that are not more easily/better obtained from other sources." Said another way, I am not aware of such a thing as a "grain deficiency" in humans.

    In my opinion, the "heart healthy grains" mantra is not backed by good science. (I'll let the conspiracy theorists run with possible reasons for it.)
  • alli_baba
    alli_baba Posts: 232 Member
    I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains.

    Protein is an essential nutrient isn't it?

    Good catch. What I should have said is something like, "I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains that are not more easily/better obtained from other sources." Said another way, I am not aware of such a thing as a "grain deficiency" in humans.

    In my opinion, the "heart healthy grains" mantra is not backed by good science. (I'll let the conspiracy theorists run with possible reasons for it.)
    Hi jofjtncb6! I've read through this thread and scrolled through your diary (just to see a sample Paleo diet) for the past week and was curious about your butter consumption. I noticed on a few days that you eat 3 tablespoons of butter straight up for breakfast (there were also some supplements and coffee listed, but I'm assuming you don't put butter in your coffee(?)

    I've never heard of eating plain butter before. Is this a Paleo thing? Or did I read it wrong? Just curious.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a Paleo/Primal eater but I have absolutely no problem with those that follow the Paleo/Primal diet.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member

    Hi jofjtncb6! I've read through this thread and scrolled through your diary (just to see a sample Paleo diet) for the past week and was curious about your butter consumption. I noticed on a few days that you eat 3 tablespoons of butter straight up for breakfast (there were also some supplements and coffee listed, but I'm assuming you don't put butter in your coffee(?)

    I've never heard of eating plain butter before. Is this a Paleo thing? Or did I read it wrong? Just curious.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a Paleo/Primal eater but I have absolutely no problem with those that follow the Paleo/Primal diet.

    As JofJ predicted... I couldn't stay away. But I am staying on topic from here on. Butter is one of those things Paleo eaters are pretty lose on, and lets face it, it is helpful to make Paleo or Primal your own so it is a manageable lifestyle. The Paleo view on butter in that it should be clarified butter, essentially removing the harmful dairy properties from the butter, or at least form a properly milked cow (of which there are few to none in the commercialized butter industry). You can buy clarified butter at certain markets and there are a few (very few) brands out there. I personally buy Ghee. I am honestly not huge on using it and prefer to make my own, but the option is there!

    As for JofJ I can't say what his butter usage entails, but that is a brief rundown of Paleo and butter.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains.

    Protein is an essential nutrient isn't it?

    Good catch. What I should have said is something like, "I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains that are not more easily/better obtained from other sources." Said another way, I am not aware of such a thing as a "grain deficiency" in humans.

    In my opinion, the "heart healthy grains" mantra is not backed by good science. (I'll let the conspiracy theorists run with possible reasons for it.)
    Hi jofjtncb6! I've read through this thread and scrolled through your diary (just to see a sample Paleo diet) for the past week and was curious about your butter consumption. I noticed on a few days that you eat 3 tablespoons of butter straight up for breakfast (there were also some supplements and coffee listed, but I'm assuming you don't put butter in your coffee(?)

    I've never heard of eating plain butter before. Is this a Paleo thing? Or did I read it wrong? Just curious.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a Paleo/Primal eater but I have absolutely no problem with those that follow the Paleo/Primal diet.

    That isn't just a few days, that's most days. And I actually *do* put it in my coffee. I blend ~3T of kerrygold butter and a couple T of MCT oil into the coffee. I don't know how common it is, but I know I'm not the only one. Others also use coconut oil.

    I'm actually looking for calorie dense foods as I am now trying to add some lean mass (having initially lost the 30 pounds I first wanted to lose.

    (...but the other supplements, shhh...don't tell my paleo brethren. Those aren't exactly "paleo". Vit D is because I'm indoors most days and suspect I may be deficient (but will learn for certain when tested in a few months). Creatine is probably unnecessary given my red meat consumption, but it's cheap and ridiculously thoroughly tested so why not?)
  • alli_baba
    alli_baba Posts: 232 Member

    Hi jofjtncb6! I've read through this thread and scrolled through your diary (just to see a sample Paleo diet) for the past week and was curious about your butter consumption. I noticed on a few days that you eat 3 tablespoons of butter straight up for breakfast (there were also some supplements and coffee listed, but I'm assuming you don't put butter in your coffee(?)

    I've never heard of eating plain butter before. Is this a Paleo thing? Or did I read it wrong? Just curious.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a Paleo/Primal eater but I have absolutely no problem with those that follow the Paleo/Primal diet.

    As JofJ predicted... I couldn't stay away. But I am staying on topic from here on. Butter is one of those things Paleo eaters are pretty lose on, and lets face it, it is helpful to make Paleo or Primal your own so it is a manageable lifestyle. The Paleo view on butter in that it should be clarified butter, essentially removing the harmful dairy properties from the butter, or at least form a properly milked cow (of which there are few to none in the commercialized butter industry). You can buy clarified butter at certain markets and there are a few (very few) brands out there. I personally buy Ghee. I am honestly not huge on using it and prefer to make my own, but the option is there!

    As for JofJ I can't say what his butter usage entails, but that is a brief rundown of Paleo and butter.

    Thanks for that info!

    But I was really more interested in the plain butter consumption without any accompaniment (meat, veggies, etc.) I mean does the Paleo diet advocate just sitting down to a plate with a stick of butter on it and nothing else? What does that do for you nutrition-wise? I just never heard of that.
  • alli_baba
    alli_baba Posts: 232 Member
    I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains.

    Protein is an essential nutrient isn't it?

    Good catch. What I should have said is something like, "I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains that are not more easily/better obtained from other sources." Said another way, I am not aware of such a thing as a "grain deficiency" in humans.

    In my opinion, the "heart healthy grains" mantra is not backed by good science. (I'll let the conspiracy theorists run with possible reasons for it.)
    Hi jofjtncb6! I've read through this thread and scrolled through your diary (just to see a sample Paleo diet) for the past week and was curious about your butter consumption. I noticed on a few days that you eat 3 tablespoons of butter straight up for breakfast (there were also some supplements and coffee listed, but I'm assuming you don't put butter in your coffee(?)

    I've never heard of eating plain butter before. Is this a Paleo thing? Or did I read it wrong? Just curious.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a Paleo/Primal eater but I have absolutely no problem with those that follow the Paleo/Primal diet.

    That isn't just a few days, that's most days. And I actually *do* put it in my coffee. I blend ~3T of kerrygold butter and a couple T of MCT oil into the coffee. I don't know how common it is, but I know I'm not the only one. Others also use coconut oil.

    I'm actually looking for calorie dense foods as I am now trying to add some lean mass (having initially lost the 30 pounds I first wanted to lose.

    (...but the other supplements, shhh...don't tell my paleo brethren. Those aren't exactly "paleo". Vit D is because I'm indoors most days and suspect I may be deficient (but will learn for certain when tested in a few months). Creatine is probably unnecessary given my red meat consumption, but it's cheap and ridiculously thoroughly tested so why not?)

    Oh -- okay. Thanks for that info! I was just wondering if you ate plain butter straight up (I don't think I could ever do that :-)
  • MrsAbles
    MrsAbles Posts: 117 Member
    Has anyone here tried eating the way our caveman ancestors did? How did it go for you? Did you lose weight? Did you drink milk?

    Here's an article for it:

    Let me know what you guys think!:flowerforyou:

    Hey RachFace, (the original poster), I have been following the Primal Blueprint since March '12. It's going good. I've lost about 10 pounds. I don't drink cow's milk, but I do eat a little cheese and plain yogurt. I am a sugar addict. Sugars in my diet inflame certain tissues in my body. I thought I was experiencing "normal aging"; gaining weight and aches and pains. When I went Primal, all those symptoms went away. I had a chance to test this as I went on vacation last week and indulged in sugary drinks and desserts, and the inflammation in my body came right back. I'm feeling a lot better this week after getting back on track.

    That Nerdfitness blog you linked is good. That's where I started. In fact, I learned of it from another MFPer. Nerdfitness hooked me up with Mark's Daily Apple. I like the way he explains this lifestyle. I like to think of it as just eating "real" food.
  • RachFace1000
    RachFace1000 Posts: 154 Member
    Thank you to those that have stayed on topic (: you really helped me out!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Oh -- okay. Thanks for that info! I was just wondering if you ate plain butter straight up (I don't think I could ever do that :-)

    Yeah, me neither...well, maybe on a bet.

    And I have known many people whose first reaction to the idea of adding butter to their coffee was "gross, no frickin' way" who now enjoy a cup every day.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Paleo/Primal here too. First 7 months, working my *kitten* off 3x per DAY, 6 days per week and eating SAD, but "less" than before (ie: counting only quantity not quality of food) and I lost about 20 lbs in 7 months. Learned about Paleo, realized it is the only thing that actually makes sense and corrected my eating. Cut my workouts down to 1 a day (with an occasional 2) and In just 3-4 months lost 45 more. I always say this the same way because it's the only way for me to describe it: You can go through your whole life thinking you feel "good" until you actually feel GOOD and realize they are night and day difference. Paleo/Primal (occasional goat cheese and butter) gives this to me. I revel in my 50 fat/30 protein/20carb diet. It's tasty, fulfilling, sustainable. I'm not a perfect paleo, def in the 80/20 group, but that is honestly not because of boredom or tastes, just out of convenience. Can I live this way the rest of my life? Certainly, since it's the way my body is evolved to eat.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I find this lifestyle totally intriguing, but I definitely like the carbs here and there. For the most part, I eat a lot of salads with olive oil and vinegar, lean protein, that sort of thing, or grilled meats/chicken/seafood with a veg for dinner; but I can't see myself cutting out all bread products. I love me some hummus with pretzels as a snack, that sort of thing. I will say that when I did a modified Atkins diet about 10 years ago (no bread basically) I lost a lot of weight in a short time frame. But I think for me, giving up grains is just not something I can do forever. But I admire those of you who are feeling great and reaping the benefits of this plan!
  • Why stop at Paleolithic ancestors? My simian ancestors had a fruit and bug diet and I'm sticking to it!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    I also guess my Naturopathic M.D and Chiropractor are also lying when they said that anyone that eats the Standard American Diet (SAD) has food addiction issues.

    I guess they are all lying???????????? And 2 of these people are very well versed in nutrition.

    I'm sorry, but how exactly how is a chiropractor well versed in nutrition? His specialty is in the bones and muscles in the back.

    Who said I was talking about my Chiropractor?

    Part of that quote was cut out. Go back and read what I actually typed in its entirety.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains.

    Protein is an essential nutrient isn't it?

    Good catch. What I should have said is something like, "I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains that are not more easily/better obtained from other sources." Said another way, I am not aware of such a thing as a "grain deficiency" in humans.

    In my opinion, the "heart healthy grains" mantra is not backed by good science. (I'll let the conspiracy theorists run with possible reasons for it.)
    Hi jofjtncb6! I've read through this thread and scrolled through your diary (just to see a sample Paleo diet) for the past week and was curious about your butter consumption. I noticed on a few days that you eat 3 tablespoons of butter straight up for breakfast (there were also some supplements and coffee listed, but I'm assuming you don't put butter in your coffee(?)

    I've never heard of eating plain butter before. Is this a Paleo thing? Or did I read it wrong? Just curious.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a Paleo/Primal eater but I have absolutely no problem with those that follow the Paleo/Primal diet.

    That isn't just a few days, that's most days. And I actually *do* put it in my coffee. I blend ~3T of kerrygold butter and a couple T of MCT oil into the coffee. I don't know how common it is, but I know I'm not the only one. Others also use coconut oil.

    I'm actually looking for calorie dense foods as I am now trying to add some lean mass (having initially lost the 30 pounds I first wanted to lose.

    (...but the other supplements, shhh...don't tell my paleo brethren. Those aren't exactly "paleo". Vit D is because I'm indoors most days and suspect I may be deficient (but will learn for certain when tested in a few months). Creatine is probably unnecessary given my red meat consumption, but it's cheap and ridiculously thoroughly tested so why not?)

    Yes, bullet proof coffee is a go to for many within the Paleo Facebook group I belong to.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member

    I also guess my Naturopathic M.D and Chiropractor are also lying when they said that anyone that eats the Standard American Diet (SAD) has food addiction issues.

    I guess they are all lying???????????? And 2 of these people are very well versed in nutrition.

    I'm sorry, but how exactly how is a chiropractor well versed in nutrition? His specialty is in the bones and muscles in the back.

    Who said I was talking about my Chiropractor?

    Part of that quote was cut out. Go back and read what I actually typed in its entirety.

    You only identified two people in that statement. One of which is a chiropractor. I omitted everything above because it is not relevant to the point that your chiropractor is NOT well versed in nutrition. I've read many of your posts in this thread. Your arguments are full of holes.
  • Mrs_Duh
    Mrs_Duh Posts: 263
    I just bought a Primal Blueprint book and I'm looking into trying it for awhile. I'm nervous about it though... because I LOVE carbs! It's nice to see stories of people who are seeing some excellent results. I also Crossfit, and I hope the diet will help with my performance and results.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains.

    Protein is an essential nutrient isn't it?

    Good catch. What I should have said is something like, "I am aware of *no* essential nutrients derived from grains that are not more easily/better obtained from other sources." Said another way, I am not aware of such a thing as a "grain deficiency" in humans.

    In my opinion, the "heart healthy grains" mantra is not backed by good science. (I'll let the conspiracy theorists run with possible reasons for it.)

    Why, in your opinion, is the science backing it not good?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    In my opinion, the "heart healthy grains" mantra is not backed by good science. (I'll let the conspiracy theorists run with possible reasons for it.)

    Why, in your opinion, is the science backing it not good?

    Let's play this another way: what support is there that consuming grains leads to "heart health"?