Paleo Diet!



  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    If for a fact (which you said) that eating natural whole foods is too restrictive for you, then there are DEFINITELY some addiction issues there.

    And you are DEFINITELY an idiot! You have no clue what it means to be addicted. If I enjoy peanuts as an occasional snack, that doesn't mean I have psychological problems. You are belittling true addicts when you make assanine statements like that.

    It's unfortunate that you don't enjoy your Capt Caveman diet. I am enjoying my diet. It's too bad that some people confuse enjoyment with destruction. :smokin:

    It's just too bad that a few people can't have respect for others around here. :yawn:

    Not a good idea with the name calling. Sensitive much that you have to call me names and I have NOT once called you or anyone a name. My name is not idiot and I don't accept treatment as such.

    I am belittling no one. I am blunt and speaking the truth.

    And I do enjoy the food I eat..............I just don't live to eat food. I have a GREAT BIG LIFE outside of eating and I enjoy those things.

    Life is too short to sit around worrying about calorie counting and stuffing your face.

    And for the record, my Dr has told me numerous times that he admires the fact that I was able to switch my eating and lifestyle and he no longer has to write prescriptions for me.

    He said that the majority of his patients are so far in denial about their ADDICTIONS because they cry and whine about being on a so-called resticitive eating plan.

    I find nothing restrictive about the way I eat and I enjoy every bite. Like I said before I don't live to eat.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Has anyone here tried eating the way our caveman ancestors did? How did it go for you? Did you lose weight? Did you drink milk?

    Here's an article for it:

    Let me know what you guys think!:flowerforyou: was all out of mammoth and all they have are the new carrots and corn that people have been breeding for thousands of years. It was really hard to make a spear and I couldn't find many berry bushes. Plus I don't really know what's poisonous.

    But if you're asking whether I eat low-glycemic foods and avoid legumes and grains, yea. I eat dairy too. Lost about 4% body fat in a couple months.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    It would be nice if you non Paleo/Primal peeps would take your personal little cat fight to private messages and leave this thread for giving helpful information to those interested in Paleo/Primal

    I think it started when a paleo advocate suggested that others are addicted to grains.....

    And you really don't have to read posts you don't like, even block people if you wish.

    Yep, that's how it started. No one likes to be called names.

    I just re-read all 5 pages and no one has called you any name, but you were the one that started the name calling by calling me an Idiot.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Yep, that's how it started. No one likes to be called names.

    I just re-read all 5 pages and no one has called you any name, but you were the one that started the name calling by calling me an Idiot.

    You didn't dig very deep. The whole world got called "addict." I never would have commented in the first place if not for that fact. And yes, you are clearly an idiot if you believe that everyone but you is an addict. It's assanine and arrogant.

    This forum is not for you to belittle people, call them names, and tell lies. Stop calling people names, and you won't get called a name. It's called the Golden Rule. Treat others how you wish to be treated. If you weren't so arrogant, you could stop and think for a moment.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Yep, that's how it started. No one likes to be called names.

    I just re-read all 5 pages and no one has called you any name, but you were the one that started the name calling by calling me an Idiot.

    You didn't dig very deep. The whole world got called "addict." I never would have commented in the first place if not for that fact. And yes, you are clearly an idiot if you believe that everyone but you is an addict. It's assanine and arrogant.

    This forum is not for you to belittle people, call them names, and tell lies. Stop calling people names, and you won't get called a name. It's called the Golden Rule. Treat others how you wish to be treated. If you weren't so arrogant, you could stop and think for a moment.

    That is not calling someone a name............... Saying someone is an addict is NOT the same as calling someone an idiot.

    No one called YOU an addict specifically. It was said in general terms and everyone that spoke on that said the same thing.

    And, I am far from an idiot.

    Not once have I or anyone else belitted you or anyone else..................but you sure belittled me by calling me an idiot.


    Being truthful and blunt does not make me arrogant.

    I do plenty of thinking and that is why I am in the position I am to eat the way I do and re-gain my health. I don't sit around counting calories and such. I just eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full. With the foods I eat there is no need to count calories.

    Not sitting around wondering when I can eat again because the last food I put in my mouth was not very nutritional at all and the body is just starving for nutrition in which people keep feeding it junk and that is addiction.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If for a fact (which you said) that eating natural whole foods is too restrictive for you, then there are DEFINITELY some addiction issues there.

    And you are DEFINITELY an idiot! You have no clue what it means to be addicted. If I enjoy peanuts as an occasional snack, that doesn't mean I have psychological problems. You are belittling true addicts when you make assanine statements like that.

    It's unfortunate that you don't enjoy your Capt Caveman diet. I am enjoying my diet. It's too bad that some people confuse enjoyment with destruction. :smokin:

    It's just too bad that a few people can't have respect for others around here. :yawn:

    Not a good idea with the name calling. Sensitive much that you have to call me names and I have NOT once called you or anyone a name. My name is not idiot and I don't accept treatment as such.

    I am belittling no one. I am blunt and speaking the truth.

    And I do enjoy the food I eat..............I just don't live to eat food. I have a GREAT BIG LIFE outside of eating and I enjoy those things.

    Life is too short to sit around worrying about calorie counting and stuffing your face.

    And for the record, my Dr has told me numerous times that he admires the fact that I was able to switch my eating and lifestyle and he no longer has to write prescriptions for me.

    He said that the majority of his patients are so far in denial about their ADDICTIONS because they cry and whine about being on a so-called resticitive eating plan.

    I find nothing restrictive about the way I eat and I enjoy every bite. Like I said before I don't live to eat.

    You are not speaking the truth. You are telling outright lies that are simply your opinion. If I have any addiction issues, other than nicotine, it's the inability to let people get away with lying. I have to call them out. Sorry if you the truth hurts.

    I don't consider paleo "restrictive," so much as I consider it retarded. (my opinion) You are no different than a KKK member, pretending that somehow you are better than others because you make different choices in life. Or a Westboro Baptist member claiming that everyone who thinks differently is going to burn in hell. Please get off your high horse and realize that everyone has free will to make choices in life, including what we put in our own bodies. Your little word games with the definition of words serves no purpose other than to make you feel superior to others. If that's your head-trip, your "addiction," to feel smug and superior, then more power to ya, but don't sit around wondering why people don't like you.

    Your statements serve to prove my point. There is no point in debating someone so blind, so I am through with you and this thread.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    If for a fact (which you said) that eating natural whole foods is too restrictive for you, then there are DEFINITELY some addiction issues there.

    And you are DEFINITELY an idiot! You have no clue what it means to be addicted. If I enjoy peanuts as an occasional snack, that doesn't mean I have psychological problems. You are belittling true addicts when you make assanine statements like that.

    It's unfortunate that you don't enjoy your Capt Caveman diet. I am enjoying my diet. It's too bad that some people confuse enjoyment with destruction. :smokin:

    It's just too bad that a few people can't have respect for others around here. :yawn:

    From what I am reading you are the only one upset and not having respect for others.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    If for a fact (which you said) that eating natural whole foods is too restrictive for you, then there are DEFINITELY some addiction issues there.

    Oh yeah eating grass fed and pastured meats and eggs, getting plenty of fruits and vegetables and fat from natural sources where you are not eating any convenience, boxed, packaged, frozen stuff is retarded..........

    There are a lot of people that would beg to differ.

    And don't compare me to a KKK member as I have a husband that is a different race than me and I am far from that. You have more than offended me with you very degrading and belittling comments.

    You are the only one ATTACKING in this thread.

    And you are DEFINITELY an idiot! You have no clue what it means to be addicted. If I enjoy peanuts as an occasional snack, that doesn't mean I have psychological problems. You are belittling true addicts when you make assanine statements like that.

    It's unfortunate that you don't enjoy your Capt Caveman diet. I am enjoying my diet. It's too bad that some people confuse enjoyment with destruction. :smokin:

    It's just too bad that a few people can't have respect for others around here. :yawn:

    Not a good idea with the name calling. Sensitive much that you have to call me names and I have NOT once called you or anyone a name. My name is not idiot and I don't accept treatment as such.

    I am belittling no one. I am blunt and speaking the truth.

    And I do enjoy the food I eat..............I just don't live to eat food. I have a GREAT BIG LIFE outside of eating and I enjoy those things.

    Life is too short to sit around worrying about calorie counting and stuffing your face.

    And for the record, my Dr has told me numerous times that he admires the fact that I was able to switch my eating and lifestyle and he no longer has to write prescriptions for me.

    He said that the majority of his patients are so far in denial about their ADDICTIONS because they cry and whine about being on a so-called resticitive eating plan.

    I find nothing restrictive about the way I eat and I enjoy every bite. Like I said before I don't live to eat.

    You are not speaking the truth. You are telling outright lies that are simply your opinion. If I have any addiction issues, other than nicotine, it's the inability to let people get away with lying. I have to call them out. Sorry if you the truth hurts.

    I don't consider paleo "restrictive," so much as I consider it retarded. (my opinion) You are no different than a KKK member, pretending that somehow you are better than others because you make different choices in life. Or a Westboro Baptist member claiming that everyone who thinks differently is going to burn in hell. Please get off your high horse and realize that everyone has free will to make choices in life, including what we put in our own bodies. Your little word games with the definition of words serves no purpose other than to make you feel superior to others. If that's your head-trip, your "addiction," to feel smug and superior, then more power to ya, but don't sit around wondering why people don't like you.

    Your statements serve to prove my point. There is no point in debating someone so blind, so I am through with you and this thread.

    If you have no addiction issues..........

    Then give up bread for 30 days.

    Eat only FATS, Proteins and carbs from fruits and vegetables.

    30 DAYS...............If you are not willing or able to give it a go for 30 days, then yes in deed there are addiction issues.

    I have plenty of friends on here, in real life and all over the place. I have no issues with people not liking me.

    MOST people appreciate the TRUTH being told to them and not sugar coat things so they feel good about themselves.

    Sometimes the truth must hurt for people to take a look at themselves to make changes from within.,
  • ipag
    ipag Posts: 137
    I'm just going to leave this right here.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member

    From what I am reading you are the only one upset and not having respect for others.

    Second that.

    While I am here (even though I decided I wasn't going to post in this thread anymore...) I would just like to say that PaleoPath4Lyf, you have explained yourself very well. I wouldn't give this woman the time of day as she has obviously made it well aware she is only here to be hostile, judgmental, and critical of others. She obviously knows everything, so there is no point in you sharing your wisdom with her... I have enjoyed reading your responses, PP4L, keep up and keep on!

    (I will no longer be posting in this thread as it is obviously a trolled waste of time.)
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    If for a fact (which you said) that eating natural whole foods is too restrictive for you, then there are DEFINITELY some addiction issues there.

    And you are DEFINITELY an idiot! You have no clue what it means to be addicted. If I enjoy peanuts as an occasional snack, that doesn't mean I have psychological problems. You are belittling true addicts when you make assanine statements like that.

    It's unfortunate that you don't enjoy your Capt Caveman diet. I am enjoying my diet. It's too bad that some people confuse enjoyment with destruction. :smokin:

    It's just too bad that a few people can't have respect for others around here. :yawn:

    Not a good idea with the name calling. Sensitive much that you have to call me names and I have NOT once called you or anyone a name. My name is not idiot and I don't accept treatment as such.

    I am belittling no one. I am blunt and speaking the truth.

    And I do enjoy the food I eat..............I just don't live to eat food. I have a GREAT BIG LIFE outside of eating and I enjoy those things.

    Life is too short to sit around worrying about calorie counting and stuffing your face.

    And for the record, my Dr has told me numerous times that he admires the fact that I was able to switch my eating and lifestyle and he no longer has to write prescriptions for me.

    He said that the majority of his patients are so far in denial about their ADDICTIONS because they cry and whine about being on a so-called resticitive eating plan.

    I find nothing restrictive about the way I eat and I enjoy every bite. Like I said before I don't live to eat.

    You are not speaking the truth. You are telling outright lies that are simply your opinion. If I have any addiction issues, other than nicotine, it's the inability to let people get away with lying. I have to call them out. Sorry if you the truth hurts.

    I don't consider paleo "restrictive," so much as I consider it retarded. (my opinion) You are no different than a KKK member, pretending that somehow you are better than others because you make different choices in life. Or a Westboro Baptist member claiming that everyone who thinks differently is going to burn in hell. Please get off your high horse and realize that everyone has free will to make choices in life, including what we put in our own bodies. Your little word games with the definition of words serves no purpose other than to make you feel superior to others. If that's your head-trip, your "addiction," to feel smug and superior, then more power to ya, but don't sit around wondering why people don't like you.

    Your statements serve to prove my point. There is no point in debating someone so blind, so I am through with you and this thread.

    WOW, so the Metabolic endocrinologist is lying when he says the people that whine and cry about having to limit or give up certain foods to be HEALTHY.

    I also guess my Naturopathic M.D and Chiropractor are also lying when they said that anyone that eats the Standard American Diet (SAD) has food addiction issues.

    I guess they are all lying???????????? And 2 of these people are very well versed in nutrition.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    If for a fact (which you said) that eating natural whole foods is too restrictive for you, then there are DEFINITELY some addiction issues there.

    And you are DEFINITELY an idiot! You have no clue what it means to be addicted. If I enjoy peanuts as an occasional snack, that doesn't mean I have psychological problems. You are belittling true addicts when you make assanine statements like that.

    It's unfortunate that you don't enjoy your Capt Caveman diet. I am enjoying my diet. It's too bad that some people confuse enjoyment with destruction. :smokin:

    It's just too bad that a few people can't have respect for others around here. :yawn:

    Not a good idea with the name calling. Sensitive much that you have to call me names and I have NOT once called you or anyone a name. My name is not idiot and I don't accept treatment as such.

    I am belittling no one. I am blunt and speaking the truth.

    And I do enjoy the food I eat..............I just don't live to eat food. I have a GREAT BIG LIFE outside of eating and I enjoy those things.

    Life is too short to sit around worrying about calorie counting and stuffing your face.

    And for the record, my Dr has told me numerous times that he admires the fact that I was able to switch my eating and lifestyle and he no longer has to write prescriptions for me.

    He said that the majority of his patients are so far in denial about their ADDICTIONS because they cry and whine about being on a so-called resticitive eating plan.

    I find nothing restrictive about the way I eat and I enjoy every bite. Like I said before I don't live to eat.

    You are not speaking the truth. You are telling outright lies that are simply your opinion. If I have any addiction issues, other than nicotine, it's the inability to let people get away with lying. I have to call them out. Sorry if you the truth hurts.

    I don't consider paleo "restrictive," so much as I consider it retarded. (my opinion) You are no different than a KKK member, pretending that somehow you are better than others because you make different choices in life. Or a Westboro Baptist member claiming that everyone who thinks differently is going to burn in hell. Please get off your high horse and realize that everyone has free will to make choices in life, including what we put in our own bodies. Your little word games with the definition of words serves no purpose other than to make you feel superior to others. If that's your head-trip, your "addiction," to feel smug and superior, then more power to ya, but don't sit around wondering why people don't like you.

    Your statements serve to prove my point. There is no point in debating someone so blind, so I am through with you and this thread.

    I also guess my Naturopathic M.D and Chiropractor are also lying when they said that anyone that eats the Standard American Diet (SAD) has food addiction issues.

    Nonsensical statements coming from a naturopath? I'm shocked
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    I also guess my Naturopathic M.D and Chiropractor are also lying when they said that anyone that eats the Standard American Diet (SAD) has food addiction issues.

    I guess they are all lying???????????? And 2 of these people are very well versed in nutrition.

    I'm sorry, but how exactly how is a chiropractor well versed in nutrition? His specialty is in the bones and muscles in the back.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you have no addiction issues..........

    Then give up bread for 30 days.

    Eat only FATS, Proteins and carbs from fruits and vegetables.

    30 DAYS...............If you are not willing or able to give it a go for 30 days, then yes in deed there are addiction issues.

    Good grief! This is silly. Just because someone chooses not to participate in another's experiment is not proof of an addiction.

    I would refuse to go barefoot for 30 days. That doesn't make me addicted to shoes.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I've been following Paleo since April of last year and it has worked out well for me. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    From what I am reading you are the only one upset and not having respect for others.

    Second that.

    While I am here (even though I decided I wasn't going to post in this thread anymore...) I would just like to say that PaleoPath4Lyf, you have explained yourself very well. I wouldn't give this woman the time of day as she has obviously made it well aware she is only here to be hostile, judgmental, and critical of others. She obviously knows everything, so there is no point in you sharing your wisdom with her... I have enjoyed reading your responses, PP4L, keep up and keep on!

    (I will no longer be posting in this thread as it is obviously a trolled waste of time.)

    Fortunately, I believe that anyone who has actually read this thread from the beginning understands the real issue here. And unfortunately, I finally resorted to putting her on ignore yesterday. While we can all have our differences in opinions and interpretation of facts, there is a certain level of discourse that is necessary to have a real honest discussion. I finally reached the point where it was obvious to me that it was not there.

    And for those who re-read through this entire ordeal, note that I did not distinguish between physiological and psychological addiction. Certain people in this discussion have treated one type of addiction as not a "real" addiction. I believe the literature clearly acknowledges that both are a type of *real* addiction. That said, I do not know which type an addiction to (or dependence on) grains is. But from my perspective, it wasn't relevant to the discussion, at least where it was when I first referred to it as an addiction.

    (And for the record, I am a former smoker myself, having given up the seven year habit a couple of decades ago. And there were a number of similarities to me in stopping smoking that I also experienced when I first stopped eating grains. Odd coincidence? Maybe. Relevant to the discussion of what is and isn't an addiction? Certainly not...but apparently others believe that it is.)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    If you have no addiction issues..........

    Then give up bread for 30 days.

    Eat only FATS, Proteins and carbs from fruits and vegetables.

    30 DAYS...............If you are not willing or able to give it a go for 30 days, then yes in deed there are addiction issues.

    Good grief! This is silly. Just because someone chooses not to participate in another's experiment is not proof of an addiction.

    I would refuse to go barefoot for 30 days. That doesn't make me addicted to shoes.

    I absolutely agree with this. You expect someone to sacrifice a well-balanced diet for the sake of proving you wrong. Nah... not worth my energy.

    Oh and the 'food addiction' thing is just retarded. I am a recovering drug addict. There is a chemical reaction that occurs in the brain when you abuse substances. That same chemical reaction can occur with food, but not nearly as intensely. Our bodies require food. Whether you are paleo, vegetarian, keto, or cutting any other specific food item out of your diet, if you are not especially careful you can create nutritional defeciencies that will disrupt weight loss and health in the long run. I'm not even really convinced that you can avoid those deficiencies, but what you do with your body is your choice. But refusing to take an extreme measure that could cause deficiencies has absolutely NOTHING to do with food addiction. The closest anyone comes to an addiction with food are binge eaters.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    If you have no addiction issues..........

    Then give up bread for 30 days.

    Eat only FATS, Proteins and carbs from fruits and vegetables.

    30 DAYS...............If you are not willing or able to give it a go for 30 days, then yes in deed there are addiction issues.

    Good grief! This is silly. Just because someone chooses not to participate in another's experiment is not proof of an addiction.

    I would refuse to go barefoot for 30 days. That doesn't make me addicted to shoes.

    Oh and the 'food addiction' thing is just retarded. I am a recovering drug addict. There is a chemical reaction that occurs in the brain when you abuse substances. That same chemical reaction can occur with food, but not nearly as intensely. Our bodies require food. Whether you are paleo, vegetarian, keto, or cutting any other specific food item out of your diet, if you are not especially careful you can create nutritional defeciencies that will disrupt weight loss and health in the long run. I'm not even really convinced that you can avoid those deficiencies, but what you do with your body is your choice. But refusing to take an extreme measure that could cause deficiencies has absolutely NOTHING to do with food addiction. The closest anyone comes to an addiction with food are binge eaters.

    ::Patiently awaits the mice, sugar is addictive as cocaine study/articles::