tlwonn Member


  • Welcome! You are going to love this website! It's user-friendly and has great forums for support! Good luck to you!
  • Good morning everyone! Stiring! Thank you soooo much for explaining the different makes sense and I will have to just adjust things as necessary...It's much harder when it is you and not someone else that you are helping! So, again...THANK YOU! I am going to be referring back to your comments as needed to…
  • Happy New Year everyone! I'm not a "late-nighter"....sooo, sleeping in until 7:30a was a good thing! Question for those of you veterans. Do you go in and re-adjust your calorie intake when you lose weight? I know when I was with WW...when we'd get to a certain weight range, our points allowed would go down, and keep going…
  • Hi Stiring! Yes...he is an inspiration...and the best part is...he helps to keep me on track now...he can blurt out calorie counts and we can double-check each other, especially when it comes to "homemade" goodies. When he started this past June, he was 5'9" and weighed 225 lbs. (yes 12 years old!) and he is now 5'10" and…
  • Good Morning! I'm sooo excited to have found this group! I've been looking for a group online that I could connect with and report in weekly...I don't want to belong to so many that I spend all my time reading/typing and not getting my work done! I started my (hopefully final) weight loss journey about 3 weeks ago. I…
  • Wow! They sound like they could almost be twins...It is definitely an advantage being a larger kid for some sports...however, mine has had to find his new "center" if you he has been used to hauling all that weight around! His size, like your son's...makes them wonderful for football, in son was born on…
  • Thanks all! You was a bit of a delicate situation in the beginning as I didn't want to damage his self-esteem, etc...but, in the long run...he has benefited so much and the fact that he ultimately took control was fantastic. Every now and again, I needed to remind him to make sure he was measuring and logging in…
  • It is great reading everyone's posts! We are very proud! I actually had posted my post under his "ID" which was an oops on my part...So, I logged myself in properly this time! I know he feels better and it's a life-long learning/habit for him and the rest of us! I was basing his weight on what happened with my brother when…